TDM TEst Solutions

T1 E1 Testing

T1 E1 Quad and Octal Analysis & Emulation Hardware

GL's T1 E1 Quad and Octal Cards provide multiple ports for analyzing and emulating TDM networks. Multiple of these PCIe cards can be placed in a single server grade PC for enhanced scalability

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Octal/Quad T1 E1 PCI Board


Comprehensively emulate and analyze voice, data, fax, analog and digital signals, including echo and Voice Quality with GL's Quad and Octal cards. These high performance PCIe cards can send tones and digits, perform bit error rate testing, record and playback traffic over T1 E1 lines and give full visibility into all time slots on all T1 E1 ports. Furthermore, the cards can analyze many common protocols such as ISDN, ATM, HDLC, MTP2, LAPD, SS7, PPP, GSM, GSM Abis, TRAU, and Frame Relay. The Quad and Octal Cards can also emulate these protocols and generate traffic onto the T1 E1 networks. Multiple Quad and Octal cards can be placed in a single server grade PC and controlled from the same software application. This provides the user the ability to monitor many T1 E1 lines and hundreds of DS0s carrying voice and data.

Octal/Quad T1 E1 PCI Board on Rack PC


  • Software Selectable T1 or E1 interfacing along with Drop and Insert
  • PCI Express x1 Lane/Board
  • Monitor the T1 E1 line conditions such as frame errors, violations, alarms, frequency, power level, and clock (or frame/bit) slips.
  • TDM, ISDN, SS7 – High Density Voice
  • Physical layer analysis includes ability to send alarms and errors via SNMP Traps
  • All protocol analyzers now include frame length in protocol statistics selection choice for data link layer
  • VoIP, Frame Relay, Multilink Frame Relay, PPP and Multilink PPP, HDLC
  • Most all “basic applications” and “special applications” are available for Quad and Octal T1 E1 cards
  • Comprehensive Analysis / Emulation of Voice, Data, Fax, Protocol, Analog, and Digital signals, including Echo and Voice Quality testing
  • Call Recording, Generation, and Monitoring for hundreds to thousands of calls in one platform
  • Windows and Linux Drivers for Open Source Applications
  • Media (VoIP) Gateway, IP PBX, and IVR Applications i.e. Asterisk (TM)
  • Routing and Bridging emulation over Multi T1 E1 WAN interfaces using MLPPP (Multi Link PPP) and MFR (Multi Link Frame relay) protocols
  • Supports “Cross-Port Through” and “Cross-Port Transmit” Modes – these configurations make cabling with Drop/Insert and Fail-Safe Inline Monitoring very easy
  • High Density and High Speed – The boards (with Direct Memory Access) are significantly faster and significantly more efficient
  • Octal boards are compatible with dual, quad, and higher core motherboards and software that simulate dual and quad cores (hyper-threading)
  •  Supports both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows® operating system

GL's offers other popular forms of T1 E1 analysis hardware such as

  • Dual Express T1 E1 Boards – 2 port PCIe based cards for compatibility with newer motherboards
  • tProbe™ T1 E1 Analyzer Unit - an enhanced version of USB based T1 E1 VF & Serial Data analyzer with expansion capabilities
  • tScan16 - a high-density T1 E1 board with 16 ports and the newer PCIe (x1) bus interface

Comparison with other PCI based GL's T1 E1 Cards

Feature Quad, Octal T1 E1  Boards Dual T1 E1 Express (PCIe) Boards
Number of Ports 4, 8 2
PCI Slot Type PCI Express x1 Bus/ Connector PCI Express x1 Bus / Connector
Speaker (on board) No speakers Supported
Cross-port and Through Modes Supported Supported
Pulse Mask Application Not Supported Supported
Jitter Generation and Measurement Not Supported Supported
External Clock Mode No clock port connector Supported
Clock Offset Capability All ports at the same time 1 Port at a time
VF Interface and Impedance Not Supported Supported; 135/150/600/900/High
VF Interface for Mic/Headset Not Supported Supported
Drop and Insert  (VF and T1 E1) No VF connectors; Digital Drop/Insert supported Supported
Onboard RAM Not Supported Supported


Physical Interface  

T1 E1 Signal

RJ48c Connectors - Four (4) or Eight (8) per board

PC Interface

PCI Express X1 Lane
Compliant to PCI Express Base Specification v1.1

T1 E1 Line Interface  

Line Code format

AMI, B8ZS (T1) or HDB3 (E1)

Framing Formats

Unframed, D4 (T1), ESF (T1), ESF (J1), CAS (E1), FAS (E1), CCS (E1), CRC4

BERT Pattern Generation

Pseudorandom patterns: (63) 2ˆ6-1, (511) 2ˆ9-1, (2047) 2ˆ11-1, (32767) 2ˆ15-1, (1048575) 2ˆ20-1, (8388607) 2ˆ23-1, QRSS. T1 In-Band Loop Code Generation and Detection, Fixed patterns: All Ones, All Zeros, 1:1, 1:7, 3 in 24. Hardware Compliant: User pattern of up to 32 bits in length International, National & Extra Bits: User Defined (E1)

Display and Logging

Bit Errors, Bit Error Rate, Error Seconds, Error Free Seconds, %EFS, Severely Error Seconds, % SES, Degraded Minutes, %Dmin, Loss Pattern Sync Count, Loss of Sync Seconds, Available Seconds, %Available Seconds, Unavailable Seconds, Bipolar Violations, BPV Rate, BPV Seconds, BPV Free Seconds, Frame Errors, FE Rate, FE Seconds, FE Free Seconds, with Detailed logging into disk file.

Resync In Progress, Loss of Signal, Blue Alarm, Change of Frame Alignment, Bipolar Violation, Frame Error, Carrier Loss, Yellow Alarm, Out of Frame Events Counter, Error Super frame Counter, Bipolar Violations, Remote Alarm, Distant Multiframe Alarm, Signaling All Ones, CAS Multiframe Error, CRC4 Error.

Drop and Insert

Any Contiguous set of digital timeslots and/or audio input

Facility Data Link

T1 ESF Mode: Transmit/Receive Messages, Bit-Oriented Messages, and files.


Normal (Outward and Inward)
Cross-Port Transmit Loopback
Cross-Port Through Loopback


T1 E1 Interface

Hardware Compliant:
ANSI: T1.403.1995, T1.231-1993, T1.408
AT&T: TR54016, TR62411
ITU: G.703, G.704, G.706, G.736, G.775, G.823, G.932, I.431, O.151, Q.161
ITU-T: Recommendation I.432-03/93 B-ISDN User-Network Interface-Physical Layer Specification
ETSI: ETS 300 011, ETS 300 166, ETS 300 233, CTR12, CRT4
Japanese: JTG.703, JTI.431, (Future enhancement - JJ-20.11 - CMI Coding Only)

T1 Output Level

T1: 3.0V Base to Peak Selectable 0-655Ft Pulse Equalization Setting

E1 Output Level

E1: 3.0V ±0.3V Base to Peak

Line Build-Out Selections

0dB, -7.5dB, -15dB, -22.5dB for T1 only

Tx Capability

DSX-1 Outputs (to 655 feet)

Alarm Insertion

Blue, Yellow, Remote, Distant Multiframe, Bit 7 Zero Suppression
D4 Yellow: 1 in S bit of frame 12
Carrier Loss

Error Insertion

BPV, Bit Error, Frame Error, CRC Errors, Burst Frames, Fixed Error Rate, Random Error Rate, auto logic from 10-2 to 10-9 for selectable 56K or 64Kps channels.

Internal Clock Specification

Standard: ± 3ppm
Optional: ± 1ppm

Output Clock Source / Synchronization Options

Internal, Recovered

Frequency offset

OctalE1: +\- 615 Hz
OctalT1: +\- 464 Hz


Input Impedance

100 ohms for Terminate and monitor (T1)
120 ohms for Terminate and monitor (E1)
>1K ohms for Bridge


Terminate, Monitor, Bridge

T1 Input Frequency

1.544 MHz ± 20 Khz

E1 Input Frequency

2.048 Mhz ± 20 KHz

Frequency Measurement

± 1ppm

Error Detection

Frame Error, CRC Error, CAS Mulitframe Error, BPV Error, Logic Error, Frame Alignment Error

  • 10 or 24 bits for sync time

  • 2/4, 2/5, or 2/6 frame bit in error frame select

  • Frame error bit corruption for 1 or 3 frame bits

  • E-Bit Error

  • Line Code Violation

  • Path Code Violation

Alarm Detection

D4 Yellow Alarm, ESF Yellow Alarm
 Hardware Compliant: J1 Yellow Alarm

Input Range


  • 0 to 36 dB (Long haul)

  • Monitor

  • Bridge


  • 26 dB +/- 2.5dB


  • 0 to 43 dB (Long haul)

  • Monitor

  • Bridge


  • 26 dB +/- 2.5dB

Intrinsic Jitter

Jitter Tolerance: Meets AT&T TR 62411 (Dec. 90)and Meets ITU-T G.823
Jitter Transfer: Meets AT&T TR 62411 (Dec. 90)

PCM Interface  


Synthesized Tone: 15 Hz to 3975 Hz selectable in 1Hz steps, +3.0 dBm to -40 dBm in 0.1 steps selectable, Frequency sweep.

Dual Tone: Single or any combination of tones. Supervision: User defined states of A, B, (C, D) bits.

Signaling: DTMF/MF Dialing Digits, ISDN, MFC-R2

File Playback: User created or recorded file.

Special Codes: Milliwatt Codes, CSU Loop Up/Down Codes.


Displays for All Channels: Signaling Bits, Power Level, Frequency, and Data.

Graphical displays: Oscilloscope, Spectral, Spectrogram, Signal-to-Noise

Signaling: DTMF/MF Dialed Digit Detection and Analysis, ISDN, MFC-R2

Recorder: Record Full/Fractional T1 E1 J1 Timeslots to hard disk file.


Propagation Delay Simulation

Up to 2 Seconds

Precision Delay Measurement

Up to 8 Seconds

Physical Dimensions  

Main Board

7.7 inches x 4.4 inches
PCIe X1 Connector Interface to PC

Daughter Board

3.8 inches x 4.2 inches
Without PC Interface

Hardware Requirement

Available with user-friendly GUI for Windows® 8.1/10 operating systems with support for almost all existing T1 E1 Analyzer applications including Comprehensive Analysis / Emulation of Voice, Data, Protocol, Analog, Digital, and Echo Testing.

* Specifications subject to change without notice.


Cross-port Through Loopback

Cross-port Through Loopback

This mode is similar to the standard Outward Loopback except that the signal received on Card 1 (Port 1) is transmitted out onto Card 2 (Port 2). Likewise the signal received on Card 2 (Port 2) is transmitted out onto Card 1 (Port 1). This feature allows monitoring T1 E1 lines in-line while still being protected from loss of power to the board. This mode is effected entirely through relays and eliminates complex cabling.

Cross-port Transmit Mode Loopback

Cross-port Transmit Mode Loopback

In this mode, the data that would normally be transmitted on Card 1 (Port 1) is diverted and transmitted on Card 2 (Port 2) and the data that would normally be transmitted on Card 2 (Port 2) is diverted and transmitted on Card 1 (Port 1). The receive paths are completely unaffected. This mode is particularly useful for Drop and Insert and Error Injection applications in which the board analyzes and may insert traffic running between two pieces of T1 E1 equipment. This feature also eliminates complex cabling.

Basic Applications
Optional Applications


Note: PCs which include GL hardware/software require Intel or AMD processors for compliance.

Please Note: The XX in the Item No. refers to the hardware platform, listed at the bottom of the Buyer's Guide, which the software will be running on. Therefore, XX can either be ETA or EEA (Octal/Quad Boards), PTA or PEA (tProbe Units), XUT or XUE (Dual PCIe Express) depending upon the hardware.

Item Description
FTE001 QuadXpress T1 E1 Main Board (Quad Port– requires additional licenses)
ETE001 OctalXpress T1 E1 Main Board plus Daughter Board (Octal Port– requires additional licenses)
ETA001 Basic Software for T1 (includes xx600, xx605) (zero dollar, but required with appropriate licenses)
EEA001 Basic Software for E1 (includes xx600, xx605) (zero dollar, but required with appropriate licenses)
Optional Software
XX010 Application Development Tool Kit (Programmer's Guide)
XX018 Multi-Channel BERT Software
XX019 Transmit/Receive File Utility Software
XX020 Record and Playback of Files
XX051 Synchronous Trunk Record Playback
XX021 FDL Software for ESF (T1 only)
XX022 DTMF/MF Detector & Generator Software
XX023 T1 A-law or E1 µ-law Software
Call Capture and Analysis Software Options
XX031 Enhanced T1 E1 Call Capture/Analysis Software
XX031 T1 or E1 Call Capture and Analysis Software w/ Traffic Activated Trigger Option
CDR032 Call Data Records
Voice Band Analysis Software Options
VBA032 Voice Band Analyzer
VBA033 Two-Wire Echo Analysis for VBA
VBA036 Traffic Analysis for VBA
VBA038 Fax Demodulator / Decoder
Windows Client-Server Software Options
Basic Client/Server Scripted Control Software (Included with Basic Software)
Dual VF Tx Rx (Only for tProbe) (Included with Basic Software)
Pulse Shape & Jitter Measurement (Included with Basic Software)
w/ File based Record/Playback
T1E1 WCS Client Python Module
Transmit/Detect digits (included with basic software)
w/ CAS Simulator
w/ SS1/SS4 Signaling Analyzer and Dialer
w/ISDN Emulation
w/ DSP Capability
w/ Dynamic DSP Capability
High Throughput HDLC Tx/Rx Test
High Throughput PPP Tx/Rx Test
High Throughput MC-MLPPP Tx/Rx Test
File based HDLC Record/Playback
File based HDLC Remote Record/Playback
w/ MTP2 Emulation
w/High Throughput TRAU Tx/Rx Test
Scripted ISUP Conformance Testing (MAPS™ SS7 Conformance)
Scripted ISDN Simulator (MAPS™ ISDN)
Scripted ISUP Emulation (MAPS™ SS7)
Scripted MAP Emulation (MAPS™ MAP)
w/ SA bits Encode/Decode
Scripted CAMEL AP Emulation (MAPS™ CAP)
Scripted FXO FXS Emulation using MAPS™ (MAPS™ FXO FXS)
Scripted CAS Simulator (MAPS™ CAS)
Scripted MLPPP Conformance Testing (MAPS™ MLPPP)
Inverse Multiplexing for ATM Emulation
MultiLink Frame Relay Emulation w/ Tx/Rx Test
w/ FDL
w/Multi-Channel Rx BERT
w/Traffic Classifier
SS7 Protocol Decode Agent
ISDN Protocol Decode Agent
Scripted GSM "A" Interface Emulation (MAPS™ GSM A)
Scripted GSM Abis Interface Emulation (MAPS™ GSM Abis)
Echo Canceller Testing Software Options
XX062 Echo Path Delay/Loss Simulation Software
XX063 Echo Path Delay/Loss Measurement Software
XX065 G.168 Test Suite for T1 & E1 Echo Cancellers (Manual Testing Software and Procedures)
XX066 Digital Echo Canceller
XX067 Automated Echo Canceller Testing w/o VQT
XX068 Semi-Automated and Scripted Echo Canceller Testing Suite
w/ C++ Client
w/ LabView Client
w/ Matlab Client
PKB070 Audio Processing Utility
PKB080 Automated Echo Canceller Testing TDM-VoIP
PKB081 Automated Acoustic Echo Canceller Compliance Testing (Partial Tests)
AEC001 AutoEC Test Viewer
EMU037 Echo Measurement Utility (EMU) Software
Protocol Analyzers and Emulators
XX089 Protocol Identifier
T1 or E1 Real-Time HDLC Analysis/Playback/Simulate Software
Offline/ Remote HDLC Analyzer
E1 Real-Time SA Bit HDLC Analysis
Offline SA Bit HDLC Analyzer
T1 or E1 Real-Time ISDN Protocol Analyzer
Offline / Remote ISDN Analyzer
XX105 T1 or E1 Real-Time ISDN Protocol Emulator
E1 Real-Time V5.x Protocol Analyzer
Offline / Remote V5.x Analyzer
T1 or E1 Real-Time SS7 Protocol Analyzer
Offline / Remote SS7 Analyzer
T1 or E1 Real-Time Frame Relay Protocol Analyzer
Offline/ Remote Frame Relay Analyzer
ML-PPP Analyzer
Offline ML-PPP Analyzer
PPP and MLPPP Packet Analysis
Offline PPP and ML-PPP Packet Analysis
T1 or E1 Real-Time GR303 Protocol Analyzer
Offline/ Remote GR303 Analyzer
CDMA2000 Protocol Analyzer
Offline CDMA2000 Analyzer
T1 E1 Real-Time GSM Protocol Analyzer
Offline GSM Analyzer
w/Motorola Mobis Decode
with Motorola Mobis decodes

T1 E1 Real-Time TRAU Protocol Analyzer
TRAU Traffic Playback
TRAU Toolbox™
Offline TRAU Analyzer
T1 or E1 Real-Time GPRS Protocol Analyzer
Offline GPRS Analyzer
T1 or E1 Real-Time ATM Analyzer
Offline ATM Analyzer
UMTS Analyzer
Offline UMTS Analyzer
Network Monitoring Software Options
PKV170 NetsurveyorWeb™ (Perpetual License, Unlimited Users/Nodes)
– Includes Oracle 11g Standard Edition One and Standard Server-Grade Computing Platform
PKV169 NetsurveyorWeb™ Lite
- Probe Level WebServer, PacketScan™, and Oracle 11g Express Edition;
PKV171 NetSurveyor Agent Toolkit
DCME Related Software Options
DC007 DCME Test & Analysis Software w/Desktop PC
DC008 DCME Test & Analysis Software w/Portable PC
Miscellaneous Software Options
SA026 "Adobe Audition" Software
SA048 Goldwave Software
SA021 File Edit Software
STE40 Mux/Demux Software
STE50 Sample Traffic Files
  For more detailed information on software, see the Product List