T1 E1 Testing

File based HDLC Record/playback &
Remote Record/Playback


The File based HDLC Record/Playback (Hdlcfunc) module is an optional application that allows HDLC Traffic Capture/Playback. It also allows transmission/reception of *.HDL frames files located on the server and on client.

  • Ability to Tx and Rx HDLC frames (using WCS) on 12 ports simultaneously on full bandwidth TS 0-23 in a 12 ports system.
  • Ability to Tx on 6 ports and Rx on 6 ports simultaneously on full bandwidth (TS 0-23), in a 12 ports system
  • Ability to Tx on 8 ports and Rx on 8 ports simultaneously on 8TS pipe per card - 512 kbps pipe (TS 0-7) in a 16 ports system
  • Ability to Tx on 6 ports and Rx on 6 ports simultaneously on 16 TS pipe per card (TS0-15 1024kbps) in a 12 ports system
  • Ability to Tx on 46 individual TS and Rx on 46 individual TS (64K/56K) with hundred flags in a 4 ports system
  • Ability to Tx on 31 individual TS and Rx on 31 individual TS (64K/56K) with Ten flags in a 4 ports system
  • Ability to Tx on 25 individual TS and Rx on 25 individual TS (64K/56k) with one flag in a 4 ports system

The application allows:

  • Displays the command syntax.
  • Receiving HDLC frames in HDL files located on the server.
  • Transmitting HDLC frames from an HDL file located on the server.
  • Receiving HDLC frames in HDL files located on the client.
  • Transmitting HDLC frames from an HDL file located on the client.

Important Syntax Notation Notes

Whenever HdlcFuncT(E)1:Xxx is used in a command syntax implies that HdlcFuncT1: XXX must be used for T1 cards and HdlcFuncE1:Xxx must be used for E1 cards

All the parameters must be entered in the order defined by the syntax. [parm] means that the parameter is optional and can be omitted.

Parameters in capital like CONT, EOF, and FLAGS must be entered as is.

Parm1|Parm2|Parm3 - parameter is mandatory, one of the choices Parm1, Parm2 or Parm3 must be specified

Sub channels are specified as 0xSM - sub-channel mask, for example 0x01 or 0xFE or 0xC0

Parameters specified in a syntax with all small letters usually need to be substituted by a specific value, while parameters in all capitals must be entered as they are specified.

Syntax Specification Usage in a specific command OK or ERROR description
'file_name' 'c:\data files\myData.hdl' Ok
'file_name' c:\data files\myData.hdl error (quotes must be present)
CONT Cont Error(must be all capitals)
EOF Eof error(must be all capitals)
limit_frame_count 10000 Ok
limit_frame_count 1M Error(must be a decimal number)
56K 56K Ok
56K 56 error, must be entered as 56K
0xSM 0xFE Ok
0xSM FE Error(must be entered as 0xFE)
FLAGS flags error, must be all capitals
min_flag_count 100 Ok
min_flag_count 10K error, must be a decimal number
file_size 100000 Ok
file_size 10000 Error(must be at least 65536bytes)
file_size 1M Error(must be a decimal number)


  • Displaying syntax of all commands implemented in this dll
  • Syntax:
    run task "HdlcFuncE1:help" #*;

  • Transmission of HDLC frames from an hdl file located on the server
  • Syntax:
    run task "HdlcFuncT(E)1:TxServerFile" using " 'file_name' CONT|EOF|limit_frame_count [56K|0xSM] [FLAGS min_flag_count] ";

    'file_name' - Full path of a HDL server file in single quotes to transmit
    CONT - Transmit file in round robin fashion (after the last frame transmit the 1st frame)
    EOF - Transmit an entire file once
    limit_frame_count - Transmit limit_frame_count. If file is shorter than limit_frame_count start transmitting the 1st frame after the last frame till limit_frame_count are transmitted
    56K - One timeslot 56kbps
    0xSM - Sub channel mask, for example, 56K is equivalent to 0xFE
    FLAGS min_flag_count - Number of flags (0x7E) between frames to transmit

    run task "HdlcFuncT(E)1:TxServerFile" using "'c:\test.hdl' 3 FLAGS 1000" #1:1;
    Transmit first three frames on timeslot 1 card 1 with 1000 flags between frames

    run task "HdlcFuncT(E)1:TxServerFile" using "'c:\data files\test.hdl' CONT" #1:0..23;
    Continuously transmit file c:\data files\test.hdl' on 24 timeslots

  • Receiving HDLC frames into an hdl file located on the server
  • Syntax
    run task "HdlcFuncT(E)1:RxServerFile" using " 'file_name' file_size CONT|limit_frame_count [56K|0xSM] " ;

    where, 'file_name' - full path of aHDL server file in single quotes to saved received frames to file_size - maximum disk file size in bytes
    CONT - record frames in circular fashion, i.e. when the file capacity (size) is reached purge earlier frames.
    limit_frame_count - receive up to limit_frame_count.
    56K - one timeslot 56kbps
    0xSM - subchannel mask, for example, 56K is equivalent to 0xFE

    run task "HdlcFuncT(E)1:RxServerFile" using "'c:\test.hdl' 10000000 100000" #1:0..23;
    receive into file c:\test.hdl (allocate 10MB disk space for the file) up to 100000 frames on 24 timeslots

  • Transmission of hdlc frames from an hdl file located on the client
  • Syntax:
    run task "HdlcFuncT(E)1:TxClientFile" using " 'file_name' CONT|EOF|limit_frame_count [56K|0xSM] " ;

    'file_name' - full path of a HDL client file in single quotes to transmit
    CONT - transmit file in round robin fashion (after the last frame transmit the 1st frame)
    EOF - transmit an entire file once limit_frame_count - transmit limit_frame_count. If file is shorter than limit_frame_count start transmitting the 1st frame after the last frame till limit_frame_count are transmitted
    56K - one timeslot 56kbps
    0xSM - subchannel mask, for example, 56K is equivalent to 0xFE

    run task "HdlcFuncT(E)1:TxClientFile" using "'c:\test.hdl' 3" #1:1;
    Transmit first three frames on timeslot 1 card 1 with 1000 flags between frames

    run task "HdlcFuncT(E)1:TxClientFile" using "'c:\data files\test.hdl' CONT" #1:0..23;
    Continuously transmit file c:\data files\test.hdl' on 24 timeslots

  • Receiving hdlc frames into an hdl file located on the client
  • Syntax:
    run task "HdlcFuncT(E)1:RxClientFile" using " 'file_name' file_size CONT|limit_frame_count [56K|0xSM] " ;

    'file_name' - full path of a HDL client file in single quotes to saved received frames to file_size - maximum disk file size in bytes
    CONT - record frames in circular fashion, i.e. when the file capacity (size) is reached purge earlier frames.
    limit_frame_count - receive up to limit_frame_count.
    56K - one timeslot 56kbps
    0xSM - subchannel mask, for example, 56K is equivalent to 0xFE

    run task "HdlcFuncT(E)1:RxClientFile" using "'c:\test.hdl' 10000000 100000" #1:0..23;
    receive into file c:\test.hdl (allocate 10MB disk space for the file) up to 100000 frames on 24 timeslots

For additional syntax to download the sample script.


Note: PCs which include GL hardware/software require Intel or AMD processors for compliance.

Please Note: The XX in the Item No. refers to the hardware platform, listed at the bottom of the Buyer's Guide, which the software will be running on. Therefore, XX can either be ETA or EEA (Octal/Quad Boards), PTA or PEA (tProbe Units), depending upon the hardware.

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