WCS Error Insertion
A console client application used to introduce single, fixed, automatic, and random error such as Logical, MF, BPV, CRC, Framing, and National etc into the incoming bit streams.
The wcs commands supports Bulk delay to apply delay on the entire T1/E1 trunk (full multi-frame) of 1.544 Mbps (T1) pipe or 2.048 Mbps (E1) pipe (applicable to USB Analyzer unit only).
Auto error insertion supports types of error insertions including single logic error, and multiframes. Single Logic Errors as stated above can be inserted at a rate from 102 to 109. In fixed or random insertions, the errors are inserted only in the timeslots that have been selected. Multiframe Errors uses a multiframe mask file that was created by the Tx Multiframe application to insert errors.

Command Set for WCS Error Insertion Includes:
- Error Insertion Initialization:
Commands to load error insertion dll for the T1/E1 systems
run task "ErrInstnE1:InsertError" #1:1..31 continuous;
run task "ErrInstnE1:InsertError" #1:1..5, 8, 9, 23..30 continuous; - Error Insertion Settings:
Commands to set selected timeslots for error insertion
inform task 1 "set txtimeslots 1-5,8,20"; // timeslots 1-5, 8 and 20
inform task 3 "set txtimeslots *"; // all timeslots are selected
Tasks to autoinsert errors at fixed and random rate
inform task 3 "set autoinsertmode fixedrate"
inform task 3 "set autoinsertmode randomrate"
inform task 1 "set fixedrate 0.0009348";
inform task 1 "set autoinsertion on"; // starts inserting errors
inform task 1 "set randomrate 0.0034";
Display commands to output timeslot information in long and short format.
inform task 1 "set tscomma on";
inform task 1 "display txtimeslots";
inform task 1 "set tscomma off";
Bulk delay commands to apply delay on the entire T1/E1 trunk, supported only in USB or Universal T1/E1 systems. "bkdelaytime" must be set first and "bulkdelayunits" is set in milliseconds or microseconds.
inform task 1 "set bulkdelayunits milliseconds"; // milliseconds or microseconds
inform task 1 "set bulkdelaytime 87"; // set to 87 ms (milliseconds)
inform task 1 "set bulkdelay on"; - Error Insertion Variable Information:
Commands to output the error insertion variable information such as selected timeslots, fixed rate of insertion, random rate of insertion, autoinsertion mode, fixed, random or undefined, autoinsertion status, on or off, bulk delay units in microseconds or milliseconds, and display bulk delay.
inform task 3 "set txtimeslots 0-31";
inform task 3 "set randomrate .00001";
inform task 3 "set autoinsertmode randomrate";
inform task 3 "set tscomma off";
inform task 3 "display";
AutoInsertMode=Random Rate
TsComma=OFF - Error Insertion Commands:
Commands to directly insert error into single timeslot, and commands to set range by "txtimeslots", if timeslot
Example: inform task 1 "insert logic error into timeslot 7";
For additional syntax download the sample script for record playback
Please Note: The XX in the Item No. refers to the hardware platform, listed at the bottom of the Buyer's Guide, which the software will be running on. Therefore, XX can either be ETA or EEA (Octal/Quad Boards), PTA or PEA (tProbe Units), XUT or XUE (Dual PCIe Express) depending upon the hardware.
Item No. | Item Description |
Error Insertion Included with Basic Software | |
Related Software | |
XX610 | Transmit and Receive File Capability |
XX620 | Transmit/Detect digits |
XX634 | Multi-Channel HDLC Emulation and Analysis & File based High Throughput HDLC Record/Playback |
XX640 | File based HDLC Record/Playback |
XX641 | File based HDLC Remote Record/Playback |
XX655 | MultiLink Frame Relay Emulation w/ Tx/Rx Test (requires XX600 & XX634) |
XX130 | T1 or E1 Real-Time Frame Relay Protocol Analyzer |
OLV130 | Offline/ Remote Frame Relay Analyzer |
Related Hardware | |
FTE001 ETE001 |
QuadXpress T1E1 Main Board (Quad Port– requires additional licenses) OctalXpress T1E1 Main Board plus Daughter Board (Octal Port– requires additional licenses) |
PTE001 | tProbe™ Dual T1 E1 Laptop Analyzer with Basic Analyzer Software |
XTE001 |
Dual T1 E1 Express (PCIe) Boards (requires additional licenses) |