TDM TEst Solutions

T1 E1 Testing

tProbe™ Datacom Analyzer

Portable tProbe™ T1 E1 and Datacom Analyzer is designed for test and verification of data communications equipment and circuits – specifically serial interfaces that provide clock, data, and control signals.

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tProbe™ T1 E1 and Datacom Analyzer Architecture
tProbe™ Datacom Portable unit


Data Communications refers to the transmission of digital information over a communication channel. The data transmission types include either parallel or serial type transfer. When data transmission is required over long haul, it is feasible to use serial type transfer as it allows high data rates with cost efficiency. Serialized data can be of asynchronous or synchronous in nature.

Different transmission mediums have evolved over the years for transmitting data signals, either electrically, optically, or as radio waves. The selection of the transmission medium largely depends on the distance over which data signals needs to be transferred, data rates, cost, and reliability.

GL's Datacom Analyzer/Emulator is an optional board available with GL's tProbe™ T1 E1 Analyzer USB Unit. The portable tProbe™ T1 E1 and Datacom Analyzer is designed for test and verification of data communications equipment and circuits – specifically serial interfaces that provide clock, data, and control signals. These are commonly encountered in military links, satellite circuits, WAN, and data modem interfaces. Software selectable modes are provided to emulate DTE, DCE and non-intrusive monitoring for both synchronous (sync), and asynchronous (async) modes.  Interface standards X.21, V.24, V.35, RS-449, RS-485, EIA-530 and EIA-530A are supported. Various cables are provided for these interfaces to make testing convenient.

tProbe™ Datacom Analyzer/Emulator is now enhanced to support the Windows Client/ Server (WCS) scripted test software, providing the capability of remote operation, automation, and multi-device connectivity. Supported client is Python. Client can run under any operating system, including UNIX, LINUX, Windows, etc

GL offers two versions of the tProbe™ T1 E1 Datacom Analyzer:

  • The first version is designed for domestic use and operates with AC mains power
  • The second version, CE approved, is powered by USB 3.0
tProbe™ Datacom Analyzer - Bit Error Rate Testing between DCE & DTE

Main Features

  • Supported Line interfaces  - V.24, V.35, X.21, RS-449, RS-485, EIA-530 and EIA-530A
  • Allows user to define custom frequency data rate for all encoding options
  • Supports signal activity on the Datacom DCE and DTE interfaces along with the frequency measurements for each port
  • Supports PPP, HDLC, and Frame Relay protocol analysis over serial data lines
  • Supports HDLC Tx/Rx Test and HDLC Impairment Utility
  • Sync BER from 300 b/s to 16.384Mbps
  • Async BER from 75 b/s to 115.2Kbps
  • DTE or DCE emulation mode 
  • SYNC clock source and sense selection
  • Supports NRZ, FM0, FM1 and Differential Manchester encoding schemes 
    • Manchester IEEE BER from 75 b/s to 1.024 Mbps
    • Manchester GE Thomas BER from 75 b/s to 1.024 Mbps
    • Differential Manchester BER from 75 b/s to 1.024 Mbps
    • Manchester FM0 and FM1 BER from 75 b/s to 1.024 Mbps
    • NRZI BER from 0.5Mbps to 10Mbps
  • Precision Delay Measurement, Unframed/Framed, Tx/Rx loopback and Error Insertion applications are provided for intrusive testing
  • Supports Full/Fractional Bit Error Rate Testing with detailed logging
  • With additional licensing Client Server (WCS) module also supports Enhanced BER testing
  • A variety “Basic Applications” and “Optional Applications” are available with Datacom cards

Typical Application

  • Bidirectional monitoring with Y-adapter cable
  • Monitor control leads, frequency
  • DTE/DCE emulation for end-to-end testing of data networks, bidirectional monitoring for a greater level of troubleshooting for data networks
DTE Emulation Mode

DTE Emulation Mode

DCE Emulation Mode

DCE Emulation Mode

Monitoring Data Communication Lines

Monitoring Data Communication Lines

  • Verifying end-to-end transmission through DCE or DTE

Monitoring of Control Signals and Frequency

Displays the following signal activity on the Datacom DCE and DTE interfaces along with the frequency measurements for each port.

RXD: (Received Data)
This is the serial encoded data received by a DTE from a DCE which has in turn received from another source.

RXC: (Receive Complete)
The RXC bit will be set to HIGH(1) when data has been received and is available in the buffer.

TXC:  (Transmit Complete)
The TXC bit is set to HIGH(1) when a transmission is completed and there is no other data to send.

CTS: (Clear to Send)
This is set true by a DCE to allow the DTE to transmit data. The DCE would use its CTS to prevent any transmission by the distant DTE.

RI: (Ring Indicator)
This signal is used for auto answer applications. DCE raises when incoming call detected used for auto answer applications.

DSR: (Data Set Ready)
This should be set true by a DCE whenever it is powered on. It can be read by the DTE to determine that the DCE is on line. In data acquisition application is generally false.

DCD: (Data Carrier Detect)
This is set true by a DCE when it detects the data carrier signal on the Datacom line.

Displays operating Frequency in Hertz.

Monitoring Datacom Line Status

Monitoring Datacom Line Status

Monitoring Multiframes
This application permits viewing unframed data on a Datacom port. Approximately 2 seconds of data is captured for viewing.  For Datacom systems, 16 frames are displayed per multiframe.

Monitoring Multiframes

Intrusive Test Applications

Bit Error Rate Test
The Bit Error Rate Test (BERT) application generates/detects Pseudo Random Bit Sequence (PRBS) for testing performance of data communication circuits.

Enhanced Bit Error Rate Testing (BERT)

Enhanced Bit Error Rate Testing (BERT)


Enhanced Bit Error Rate Testing (BERT)
The Enhanced Bit Error Rate Tester measures the correctness of data received on datacom according to the repetitive pattern file for a given transmission. The digital data in various fields such as digital circuits, mobile communications, antennas, digital broadcasting need to be monitored for error-free transmission. Bit Error Rate provides a figurative measurement of the number of erroneous bits received for the total number of bits transmitted. With GL’s powerful Bit Error Rate Tester, users can compare the bit/data pattern received against a known pattern in order to identify errors.


Precision Delay Measurement
Precision Delay Measurement measures the Round Trip Delay of a system. Sending a BER pattern with the insertion of an error bit and timing the reception of the error bit do the Round Trip Delay measurement. Measurement is precise and accurate to the microsecond level. A delay up to 8 seconds can be measured

Precision Delay Measurement


Rx to Tx Loop back
This application is used in conjunction with a Bit Error Rate Test to verify the operation of Cards and Laptop units.

Automated VQuad™ Test Script Execution
Automated VQuad™ Test Script Execution


Error Insertion
The Error Insertion application permits inserting single, fixed, automatic, random, and burst error into the incoming or outgoing bit stream.

Error Insertion

Optional Applications

Record/Playback Applications

  • Record from multiple cards
    This application permits capture of data being transmitted on (any one or both) Datacom analyzer to a file.

    Record from multiple cards

  • Automated Record Playback
    The 'Automated Record/Playback (ARP)' application is an extremely versatile and rugged application incorporated in Datacom analyzer that makes it very easy for the user to run several transmit or receive operation tasks simultaneously.

    Automated Record Playback

Protocol Analyzers and Emulators

GL's protocol analyzers can be used to diagnose signaling problems quickly and effectively by analyzing traffic on multi-protocol signaling networks. It monitors signaling interactions in fixed, access and wireless networks. It analyzes multiple protocols like HDLC, PPP, and Frame Relay.

  • PPP Protocol Analysis
    PPP analyzer captures and decodes host of PPP protocols exchanged between pairs of nodes over Serial Data Communications links. It provides useful analysis of the PPP, MLPPP, and MC-MLPPP protocols which includes distribution of protocols, protocol fields, frame lengths and frame status.

    The supported protocol standards in PPP Protocol analyzer are PPP, PPP SIGTRAN, IEC, IPCP, BCP, and more.
    For more information on PPP supported standards visit PPP protocol analyzer webpage.

    Automated VQuad™ Test Script Execution

    Automated VQuad™ Test Script Execution

  • HDLC Protocol Analysis
    GL's HDLC protocol analyzer provides the capability to capture, and analyze HDLC data on a Serial Data Communications links.

    Protocol standards supported for HDLC are LAPF, LAPD, LAPD+IP, LAPX+IP, X.25, Cisco HDLC Protocols.
    For more information on HDLC supported standards

    visit HDLC protocol analyzer webpage.
    Automated VQuad™ Test Script Execution

    Automated VQuad™ Test Script Execution

  • Frame Relay Protocol Analysis
    GL's Frame Relay Protocol Analyzer can be used to analyze and decode frames conforming to Q.921, Q.922, LAPF, Frame Relay Forum standard -FRF.9 and FRF.12, Multiple Protocol Encapsulation, LCP RFC1661, Q.933 SVC and LMI SNAP, PPP, IP, SMTP, POP3 and so on.

    For more information on Frame Relay supported standards visit Frame Relay protocol analyzer webpage. 

    Automated VQuad™ Test Script Execution

  • WCS based Simulation Modules

    Client / Server applications allow the user (with an appropriate client) to operate analyzers remotely, write scripts for automation, or provide multi-client connectivity to a single Datacom analyzer. Now, Windows Client / Server available as a part of Basic Applications in Datacom Analyzer. GL provides sample-working clients in C++, VB, and TCL along with the server.

    With additional licenses, WCS supports Enhanced BERT functionality, which measures the correctness of data received on Datacom against a repetitive fixed or pseudorandom pattern for the given transmission.

    GL Client executing Enhanced BER Testing Script

    GLClient executing Enhanced BER Testing Script

Device Certification:

Device is RoHS compliant and the tests were conducted by an independent laboratory.

Council Directive:

  • EMC 2014/30/EU
  • LVD 2014/35/EU

Safety Standards:

  • EN61326-1: Ed. 2.0 (2012-07) {EN 61326-1: 2013}: Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use – EMC requirements – Part 1: General requirements
  • CISPR 11:2015, Limits and methods of measurement of electromagnetic disturbance characteristics of industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio-frequency equipment, Amendment 1:2016
  • IEC 61000-3-2:2014, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 3-2: Limits – Limits for harmonic current emissions (equipment input current ≤ 16A per phase)
  • IEC 61000-3-3:2013, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 3-3: Limits – Limitation of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker in public low-voltage supply systems, for equipment with rated current ≤ 16 A per phase and not subject to conditional connection
  • IEC 61000-4-2:2008, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-2: Testing and measurement techniques – Electrostatic discharge immunity test
  • IEC 61000-4-3:2006, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-3: Testing and measurement techniques – Radiated, radiofrequency, electromagnetic field immunity test, Amendment 1:2007, Amendment 2:2010
  • IEC 61000-4-4:2004, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-4: Testing and measurement
  • IEC 61000-4-5:2006, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-5: Testing and measurement techniques – Surge immunity test
  • IEC 61000-4-6:2008, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-6: Testing and measurement techniques – Immunity to conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields
  • IEC 61000-4-11:2004, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-11: Testing and measurement techniques – Voltage dips, short interruptions, and voltage variations immunity tests
  • IEC 61010-1:2010 CE Marking -LVD

Product Technical Comparison

Feature Requirement mTOP™ T1 E1 Datacom Rackmount
Portability Portable or Fixed location Rackmount
Physical Connection No of EIA-530 ports 2
Port Configuration I/O interface V.35, EIA_530, RS232, EIA_530A, RS449/RS-442 and X21
Manual RTS and DTR Compliant
Data inversion Compliant
Line termination Compliant
System Configuration Full duplex
Half duplex
Self loop
Full Duplex – Compliant
Half Duplex – Device supports Monitor and Bridge mode
Self Loop – Compliant
Data Rates Async: 50 to 20k Async: 75 bps to 115.2 Kbps and user configurable frequency
Sync: 50 to 10M Sync: 300 bps to 16.384 Mbps and user configurable frequency
Test Path End-to-End Compliant
Loopback Compliant
Monitoring Compliant
Test Patterns Fixed patterns:
Supported Patterns :
All Ones, All Zeros, 1:1, 1:7, 3 in 24, CSU Loop-Up (00001), CSU Loop-Down (001), NIU Loop-Up (11000), NIU Loop-Down (11100) and User Defined Pattern (3 bits to 32 bits)
Pseudo random patterns:
63 (26-1)
511 (29-1)
2047 (211-1)
32,767 (215-1)
1,048,575 (220-1)
8,388,607 (223-1)
Supported Patterns :
26-1, 29-1, 211-1, 215-1, 220-1, 223-1 and QRSS
Error Insertion Manual Compliant
Automated Single : Single at time intervals (1 sec resolution) 10-2 to 10-9 bit error rate
Messages User message: Up to 1024 bits Compliant
Binary/ASCII Compliant
Test Interval Continuous and 10 to 100M bits Ability to test continuously with the BERT application and BERT timed test with WCS
Line Data Encoding Line encoding:
Differential Manchester
Timing Jitter measurement Not Compliant
External clock Compliant
Internal clock accuracy: +5ppm +/- 1 ppm Internal Clock
Internal clock drift +5ppm/yr +/- 1 ppm Internal Clock
Data clock:
Synchronous Recovered
Round Trip Delay (RTD) RTD:
1 microsecond or better
Micro Second Precision
User Interface Display Windows based software application
External Links Ethernet Supported
USB Supported
Wireless Not Supported
Internal Battery N/A Not Compliant
Environmental Impact RoHS
RoHS Compliant
Operating Environment Temperature:
0oC to 35oC
0° C to 50° C
20% to 90%
10% - 95% Humidity, Non-condensing
EMC 2014/30/EU
LVD 2014/35/EU
AS/NZS 60950-1
AS/NZS 62368-1
IEC 61010-1:2010
CE Marking -LVD
Operating voltage:
230VAC nom.
Operates on USB 2.0 and External Power supply 5V.2A

Supported Datacom Interfaces

It is a standard interface for serial data for connecting DTE to DCE computer serial ports.

It is a higher speed unbalanced interface similar to RS-232C. The Datacom board supports this with RS-232C interface setting.

It is a high speed serial data communication interface. This interface used unbalanced or pairs of signals to transmit and receive clock and data. This interface typically uses a 37 pin connector.

It is similar to the RS-449 standard with changes only to the logic levels. This is sometimes used with a multi drop configuration of up to 10 receivers with 1 transmitter. Difficult to setup but can fill low cost reliable data communications.

It is another high speed serial data communication interface. This interface also uses unbalanced or pair of signals to transmit and receive clock and data. This interface typically uses a 35 pin connector.

Datacom Async Configuration

Datacom Async Configuration

It is another high speed serial data communication interface.  It is a common interface used to replace a 25 pin connector instead of using the RS-449 DB-37 or V.35 connectors.

ASYNC Configuration
Configuration functionality allows to configure various Tx/Rx parameters such as  Data Bits, Parity Bits, and Stop Bits.

Frequencies of Supported Encoding Options
(RS-232, V.35, EIA_530, EIA_530A, RS-449, X.21)

Mode Frequency
  Low High
Async 75 bps 115.2 Kbps
Sync 300 bps 16.384 Mbps
Manch IEEE 75 bps 1.024 Mbps
ManchGE T 75 bps 1.024 Mbps
NRZI 0.5 Mbps 10 Mbps
ManchDiff 75 bps 1.024 Mbps
ManchFM0 75 bps 1.024 Mbps
ManchFM1 75 bps 1.024 Mbps

Loopback Types

  • No Loopback - This option disables any existing loopback conditions.
  • Outward Loopback - In this configuration the data sent from the CSU are received by the Datacom interface and are immediately retransmitted to the CSU.
  • Diagnostic (Input + Output) Loopback - Loops the internal transmit clock and data to the internal receive clock and data along with looping the external clock and data back to the incoming device.
  • Cross-port Loopback - It takes the Tx data from the DTE and places it on the Rx of the DCE. It also takes Rx data from the DCE and places it on the Tx of the DTE.

RS 530 Pin Configurations on tProbe™ Datacom Analyzer Unit

RS-530 Connections (DCE) Male Connector
Pin Signal Direction Description
1 CHGND Chassis Ground Chassis Ground
2 RD+ Input to tProbe Receive Data +
3 TD+ Output from tProbe Transmit Data +
4 CTS+ Input to tProbe CTS Receive +
5 RTS+ Output from tProbe RTS Transmit +
6 DTR+ Output from tProbe DTR Transmit +
7 GND Signal Ground Ground
8 DCD+ Output from tProbe DCD Transmit +
9 TT- Output from tProbe Transmit Clock -
10 DCD- Output from tProbe DCD Transmit -
11 RT- Input to tProbe Receive Clock -
12 ST- Output from tProbe Secondary Timing -
13 RTS- Output from tProbe RTS Transmit -
14 RD- Input to tProbe Receive Data -
15 ST+ Output from tProbe Secondary Timing +
16 TD- Output from tProbe Transmit Data -
17 TT+ Output from tProbe Transmit Clock +
18 TM Input to tProbe Test Mode
19 CTS- Input to tProbe CTS Receive -
20 DSR+ Input to tProbe Data Set Ready +
21 RI Input to tProbe Ring Indicator
22 DTR- Output from tProbe DTR Transmit -
23 DSR- Input to tProbe Data Set Ready -
24 RD+ Input to tProbe Receive Clock+
25 LL Output from tProbe Local Loop
RS-530 Connections (DTE) Female Connector
Pin Signal Direction Description
1 CHGND Chassis Ground Chassis Ground
2 TD+ Output from tProbe Transmit Data +
3 RD+ Input to tProbe Receive Data +
4 RTS+ Output from tProbe RTS Transmit +
5 CTS+ Input to tProbe CTS Receive +
6 DSR+ Input to tProbe Data Set Ready +
7 GND Signal Ground Ground
8 DCD+ Input to tProbe DCD Transmit +
9 RT- Input to tProbe Receive Clock -
10 DCD- Input to tProbe DCD Transmit -
11 TT- Output from tProbe Transmit Clock -
12 RTC- Input to tProbe Secondary Receive Clock-
13 CTS- Input to tProbe CTS Receive -
14 TD- Output from tProbe Transmit Data –
15 RTC+ Input to tProbe Secondary Receive Clock+
16 RD- Input to tProbe Receive Data -
17 RT+ Input to tProbe Receive Clock +
18 LL Output from tProbe Local Loop
19 RTS- Output from tProbe RTS Transmit +
20 DTR+ Output from tProbe DTR Transmit +
21 RL Input to tProbe Remote Loop
22 RI Input to tProbe Ring Indicator
23 DTR- Output from tProbe DTR Transmit -
24 TT+ Output from tProbe Transmit Clock +
25 TM Input from tProbe Test Mode


Note: PCs which include GL hardware/software require Intel or AMD processors for compliance.

Please Note: Datacom Analyzer/Emulator is an optional board available with tProbe™ T1 E1 Analyzer USB Unit.

Item No. Item Description
PTE001 tProbe™ Analyzer (Dual Ports)
PTE002 Datacom Only Analyzer Software for tProbe™ (with DTE and DCE Ports) requires PTE025;
Basic T1 or E1 software is NOT required

By default, includes 2-wire FXO and FXS Optional Board (only Hardware) (1)
USB 2.0 Cable (1)
5 V power adapter (1)
Short Cross over cable (1)
RJ 11 cable (2)
PTE025 Data Communications Board for Interfaces RS-232, RS-449, EIA-530, V.35, and many others

By default, includes 2-wire FXO and FXS Optional Board (only Hardware) (1)
USB 2.0 Cable (1)
5 V power adapter (1)
Short cross over cable (1)
RJ-11 cable (2)
  Related Software
PTE020 Datacom Record/Playback File Software (Including Automated Continuous Capture and Automated Record Playback Software)
PTE090 Datacom T1 or E1 Real-Time HDLC Decode/Store/Impairment/Rx-Tx Test Applications
PTE130 Datacom Real-time Frame Relay Analysis
Datacom T1 or E1 PPP Analyzer
  Datacom Board Cables
DBC001 DB-25-3-M/M ASSY -DB25 3FT Male to Male (RS-232/RS530 DTE)
DBC002 DB-25-3-F/F ASSY - DB25 3FT Female to Female (RS-232/RS530 DCE)
DBC003 DB-25-3-M/F ASSY -DB25 3FT Male to Female (Loopback)
DBC004 DB25F-3-DB37F ASSY - DB25 Female to DB37 Female 3FT (RS-449 DCE)
DBC005 DB25M-3-DB37M ASSY - DB25 Male to DB37 Male 3FT (RS-449 DTE)
DBC006 DB25F-3-V.35F ASSY - DB25 Female to V.35 Female 3FT (V.35 DCE)
DBC007 DB25M-3-V.35M ASSY - DB25 Male to V.35 Male 3FT (V.35 DTE)
DBC008 DB25F-3-DB15F ASSY - DB25 Female to DB15 Female 3FT (X.21 DCE)
DBC009 DB25M-3-DB15M ASSY - DB25 Male to DB15 Male 3FT (X.21 DTE)
DBC010 DB25F-3-DB15F ASSY - DB25 Female to DB15 Female 3FT (X.27 DCE)
DBC011 DB25M-3-DB15M ASSY - DB25 Male to DB15 Male 3FT (X.27 DTE)
DBC012 RS-530Y ASSY - RS-530 Y Cable

*Specifications are subjected to change