Telecom Test solutions

Wireless, All-IP, TDM, PSTN

Test Solutions for 10 Gbps Ethernet Networks

High speed 10 Gbps Ethernet links are now common place in both Local Area and Wide Area networks. Both optical (single-mode and multi-mode) and copper (through CAT 7 cabling) interfaces are supported at 10 Gbps rates. GL offers both portable and rack-mount solutions for effectively testing 10 Gbps Ethernet for bit errors, packet loss, throughput, delay and more.

PacketExpert™ 10GX – Comprehensive 10 Gbps Ethernet Tester

PacketExpert 10GX POD
PacketExpert 10GX mTOP
PacketExpert 10GX RACK

GL's PacketExpert™ 10GX with two 10/2.5/1Gbps Optical/Electrical Ports and two 10/100/1000 Mbps Electrical/Optical Ports provides comprehensive testing of 10 Gbps/1 Gbps Ethernet/IP networks. With the capability to generate/receive traffic with stacked VLAN (Q-in-Q) and stacked MPLS, PacketExpert™ 10GX finds use in testing a wide range of networks - from testing individual links/switches, testing local Ethernet/IP networks (LAN), end to end testing of Wide Area Networks (WAN), testing Core/MPLS networks, and much more.

Varieties of testing on 10 Gbps networks can be performed with a single tool - PacketExpert™ 10GX. Optional functionalities (WAN Link Emulation, Y.1564 Testing, Record-Playback, PacketBroker™) can be easily added to the basic application to meet all the testing requirements on a high-speed Ethernet network.

Bit Error Rate Testing (BERT)

PacketExpert™ 10GX supports Wire speed BERT capability to measure Bit Error Rate on Framed Ethernet (Layer2), MPLS (Layer2.5), IP and UDP layers.  It supports generating various PRBS patterns such as 29-1, 211-1, 215-1, 220-1, 223-1, 229-1, and 231-1 including constant patterns such as All Ones, All Zeroes, Alternate Ones-Zeroes and user-defined test patterns ranging from 1 bit to 32 bits. Selection of optional sequence number insertion allows detecting out-of-sequence packets and packet loss.  

Both BERT and Loopback support Stacked VLAN and Stacked MPLS.  BERT can be configured to send/receive streams with Stacked VLAN/Stacked MPLS frames.  In addition, the PacketExpert™ 10GX allows sending traffic of specific frame length and rate.

RFC 2544 Testing

PacketExpert™ 10GX supports all RFC 2544 Tests for the performance benchmarking of individual network elements. These include Throughput, Latency, Frame Loss, and Back-to-Back tests. Similar to BERT, RFC 2544 can be done over Framed Ethernet (Layer2), Stacked VLAN (Q-in-Q), Stacked MPLS, IP and UDP.

ExpertSAM™ (Y.1564 Testing)

PacketExpert™ 10GX supports ExpertSAM™  intended for multiservice testing to measure the maximum performance of the device or the network under test.  ExpertSAM™ is a set of procedures that test the ability of Ethernet-based services to carry a variety of traffic (voice, data, and video) at defined performance levels. In particular, it is aimed at addressing limitations of legacy RFC 2544 test procedures, especially for Service Level Agreements (SLA). It is the standard for turning up and troubleshooting mobile backhaul and business Ethernet services. Carrier Ethernet testing can be achieved by using GL's ExpertSAM™ application that supports Y.1564 based testing.

ExpertSAM™ supports testing up to 16 simultaneous streams. Each stream is capable of generating traffic on Framed Ethernet (Layer2), MPLS (Layer2.5), IP and UDP layers. All the Service Acceptance Parameters like Information Rate (IR), Frame Loss Ratio (FLR), Frame Transfer Delay (FTD) and Frame Delay Variation (FDV) are measured at full wirespeed and reported.

Smart Loopback

PacketExpert™10G supports Smart Loopback and automatically swaps the MAC,IP and UDP address/port and loops back incoming frames at full wirespeed of 10 Gbps. Loopback is useful in many testing situations, where there is a need for a remote device looping back the test traffic. 

Wirespeed Record and Playback

PacketExpert™ 10GX supports capture of packets at wirespeed and also storing of the captured packets in popular file formats (pcap, ngpcap) for later analysis. The two 10 Gbps ports can act as a high performance network tap, capturing packets at wirespeed from both directions, at the same time acting as a transparent link between two end nodes.

Hardware based capture allows highly precise timestamping (nanosecond accuracy). Also, hardware based wirespeed flexible filter allows to filter and capture only traffic of interest.

Wirespeed playback allows recreating real world conditions in the lab by allowing playback of captured files (pcap, ngpcap etc). Hardware based playback allows highly precise traffic timing reproduction, with nanosecond precision.


PacketBroker™ also acts as a network tap and captures wirespeed traffic in both directions. But, in this case, instead of recording the captured packets to a file, it sends the captured traffic on the output ports for real time analysis by packet analysis tools like Wireshark™, PacketScan™ etc. It also supports wirespeed filtering to capture only traffic of interest. And also allows certain packet modifications to insert useful information such as timestamp into the packet before sending out.

10 Gbps WAN Link Emulation (IPLinkSim™ & IPNetSim™)

WAN Link Emulation

GL's IPLinkSim™ and IPNetSim™ products support WAN emulation. These products are capable of emulating a WAN link, and introducing typical WAN impairments like Bandwidth Throttling, Latency, Jitter, Packet Loss, Packet Reordering, Packet Duplication, Packet Corruption, Congestion emulation etc. Both the products act as a transparent Ethernet bridge and can be connected between two LANs easily emulating a WAN link in the lab.

IPNetSim™ supports user defined streams to classify the traffic into up to 4 streams, and applying separate impairments for each stream independently, thus emulating multiple WAN links within a single device. It also supports bi-directional full wirespeed emulation i.e. approximately 30 million packets/sec in each direction aggregating to a total 60 million packets/sec.

IPLinkSim™ supports single stream only, and applies the same impairments to all the traffic without segregating the traffic. In addition to the above impairments, IPLinkSim™ supports congestion emulation by allowing background traffic emulation.

MAPS™ HD - 10 Gbps Network Traffic Simulation

MAPS™ HD Appliance

MAPS™ (Message Automation and Protocol Simulation) HD is an advanced bulk call generator used to simulate high volume calls with traffic at 1 Gbps to 10 Gbps. It is available as special purpose rackmount network appliance that is capable of high call intensity (hundreds of calls/sec) and high volume of sustained calls (tens of thousands of simultaneous calls/platform). The network appliance performs signaling and traffic generation for a vast array of communication protocols covering IP and Wireless networks.

MAPS™ HD network appliance is designed to easily achieve up to 20,000 endpoints per appliance (5000 per port). Using a stack of multiple servers, a larger test system with 100K-200K calls (all controlled from a single Master Controller) is achievable for enterprise to carrier grade testing.

PacketScan™ HD - 10 Gbps Network Monitoring Appliance

10 Gbps Network Traffic Monitoring Appliance

GL’s also offers PacketScan™ HD, a 2U rack mounted Network Monitoring Appliance which supports simultaneous capture and processing of up to 5000 Calls with duplex traffic at 1 Gbps to 10 Gbps.

GL’s also offers PacketScan™ HD an advanced network monitoring appliance which can capture and analyze high volume calls with traffic. PacketScan™ HD is a high density multi-protocol 2U rack mounted Network Monitoring Appliance w/ 4x1GigE (PKV120) and w/2x10GigE (PKV122) that can capture and process high volumes of communication protocols over IP and Wireless networks.

PacketScan™ HD supports simultaneous capture and processing of up to 5000 Calls with duplex traffic at 1 Gbps to 10 Gbps. Almost all VoIP and Wireless protocols over IP transport layer, as listed below, can be captured and decoded for troubleshooting network problems.