GL announces SonetExpert™ BERT / Alarm / Error Testing over SONET/SDH Networks
GL Communications just launched a new SonetExpert™ application for BERT/ Alarm /Error testing. It is a web-based application which supports Bit Error Rate Testing over SONET/SDH networks for rates OC-3 / STM-1, OC-12 / STM-4, OC-48/STM-16 and OC-192/STM-64 rates.

SonetExpert™ BERT/ Alram / Error is a web-based application which supports Bit Error Rate Testing , Alarm generation and reception, and Error generation and reception using GL's versatile multifunctional Ethernet/SONET hardware test platform – Packet / Sonet Expert.
Supports BER Traffic generation and verification of various PRBS and user defined test patterns. Various Error insertions like, Bit Error Insertion, B1/B2/B3 BIP Error insertion, Alarm generation and more etc
Hardware supports two ports. Full line rate BER traffic generation and analysis for all the supported rates is possible on both ports simultaneously. Hardware is USB based and interfaces with a host PC through a USB 3.0 interface. Multiple hardware units can be connected to a single PC to increase test port density.
Software is provided in the form of an easy to use and intuitive web interface. All the functionalities can be accessed from any standard web browser. This makes it convenient to control the hardware from multiple locations and from multiple access devices like a PC, laptop and even a tablet. Also, the client machine can be any OS like Windows/Linux/Android etc. as long as web browser can run on it.
GL also offers High-Density mTOP™ 1U/2U rack mount enclosures within which multiple SonetExpert™ hardware units are stacked to provide high density form factor solution for testing multiple Sonet/SDH lines. It is a perfect Sonet/SDH test tool for customers who require multi-port testing but are constrained by lab space
GL also offers stand-alone mTOP™ Probe hardware variant of SonetExpert, where a SonetExpert™ hardware unit is coupled with a built in SBC (Single Board Computer), to make it a compact, portable toll, ideal for field testing.
Main Features
- Supports Bit Error Rate Testing over SONET/SDH OC-3 / STM-1, OC-12 / STM-4, OC-48/STM-16 and OC-192/STM-64 rates
- Software selectable OC-3 / STM-1, OC-12 / STM-4, OC-48/STM-16 and OC-192/STM-64 rates
- Wire-speed BERT on two ports simultaneously
- Supports industry standards PRBS patterns 29-1, 211-1, 215-1, 220-1, 223-1, 229-1, and 231-1, all one's, all zero's, alternate ones and zeros, and 4 byte 32 bits user-defined test patterns. Also supports Pattern inversion
- Provides various SONET Alarms like LOS, LOF, OOF, B1/B2/B3 Alarms, as well as BERT alarms like Sync Loss and Bit Error Alarms
- Impairments :
- Set SONET Pointer and Justification(both Positive and Negative justification)
- LOF (Loss of Frame) Alarm Generation.
- B1, B2, B3 BIP Error Insertion (Single as well as rate error insertion)
- Bit Error Insertion (Single as well as constant rate Bit Error insertion)
- Software provided as a web interface, accessed from any standard web browser, allowing access from different devices like Pcs/laptops/tablets etc. and also from different OS like Windows/Linux/Android etc.
- Web interface allows multiple users to connect to a single web server and independently run tests on different hardware units
- Portable and high port density form factors for all kinds of testing needs