Datacom Analyzer with Client/Server Scripting
Welcome to another GL Communications' newsletter providing information on our latest tProbe™ Datacom Analyzer/Emulator, a hardware platform that can test and verify serial data communications circuits and equipment.
Our Datacom Analyzer/Emulator supports the Windows Client/Server (WCS) scripting software that facilitates remote operation, automated testing using scripts, and multi-site connectivity.

Data Communications generally refers to legacy interfaces of the recent past before packet technology became popular. These interfaces and methods of communications are still common.
GL's Datacom Analyzer/Emulator is an optional board available with GL's tProbe™ T1 E1 Analyzer or is also available as a standalone unit. It can test and verify data communications equipment and circuits - specifically serial interfaces that provide clock, data, and control signals. It provides software selectable modes to analyze and emulate DTE and DCE interfaces, non-intrusive monitoring for both synchronous (sync), and asynchronous (async) modes.
The Datacom Analyzer can also be placed in 1U or 2U rack enclosures to provide a high-density form factor solution.

Latest Enhancements
Windows Client/Server Scripted Control Test and Simulation Software
Windows Client/Server provides remote operation, automation, and multi-site connectivity to the Datacom Analyzer. Datacom in a server mode can be easily controlled through software clients at remote or local sites via TCP/IP sockets.
GL provides sample scripts in Python, C++, and TCL along with the server. These scripts are compatible with any OS, including UNIX, Linux and Windows. Other environments commonly used for client development include Perl, MATLAB and LabView.
Enhanced Bit Error Rate Tester (Enhanced BERT) measures the correctness of data received on Datacom against a repetitive fixed or pseudorandom pattern for the given transmission. The application generates/detects unframed BER patterns such as - QRSS, 25-1, 29-1, 211-1, 215-1, 220-1, 223-1, All ones, All zeros, 1:1, 1:7, 3 in 24, CSU Loop-Up (0001), CSU Loop-down (001), NIU Loop-UP (11000), and NIU Loop-Down (11100), and user-defined patterns in real-time. Supports predefined error insertion rate and user defined error rates ranging from 0.01 to 1e-009.
Configuring DTE and DCE Simulation
WCS commands are used to configure DTE and/or DCE Interfaces for Loopback, CTS, RTS, DSR, DTR, DCD, RI, RL, TM, LL, Clock settings, Data Rates, Sync and Async mode, Async communications parameters such as Data Bits, Parity Bits, Stop Bits and to get the Signal Line Status as well.
Main Features
- Supports precise delay measurements, Unframed/Framed, Tx/Rx loopback and Error Insertion applications
- Supports synchronous/asynchronous DTC/DTE mode of operations
- Supported Line interfaces - V.24, V.35, X.21, RS-449, RS-485, EIA-530 and EIA-530A
- Define custom frequency data rate for all encoding options
- Supports signal activity on the Datacom DCE and DTE interfaces along with the frequency measurements for each port
- Supports PPP, HDLC, and Frame Relay protocol analysis over serial data lines
- Supports HDLC Tx/Rx Test and HDLC Impairment Utility
For comprehensive information on the application, please visit tProbe™ Datacom Analyzer application web page.