GL Enhances T1 E1 Emulation / Analyser
Products & Software to 64-Bit Mode, WIN 10, and More
Welcome to another February 2017 issue of GL's Newsletter covering enhancements to our versatile T1 E1 Analyzer product line - now Version 11.1.17. This version has 64 bit T1 E1 sub-applications for 64-bit Windows® Operating Systems for Windows® 7, 8.1, and 10 (32-bit, and 64-bit).

Important T1 E1 Application Enhancements
T1 E1 lines are used extensively throughout the world for carrying large volumes of calls containing both voice and data. Their popularity can be attributed to their TDM architecture, high reliability, manageability and flexibility. The significance of this latest release is the performance limitations observed with 32-bit applications are addressed by introducing 64- bit applications to achieve the enhanced performance.
The enhancements to some of the T1 E1 Analyzer software applications are:
Protocol Analysers |
Client Server Applications |
Multiple Call Capture Application (CCA) |
All Basic Intrusive and Non Intrusive Applications (BERT, Monitoring Applications, Oscilloscope, Spectral Display etc) |
Protocol Simulators : MLPP, PPP, Frame Relay, TRAU and more |
Protocol Emulators for: ISDN, ISUP, GSMA, etc |
Enhancements Common for 32-bit and 64-bit Applications:
- Physical layer analysis includes ability to send alarms and errors via SNMP Traps
- SNMP Traps capability can now be added to all protocol analysers on customer request
- Enhancement made to the pre-defined statistics feature in protocol analysers allows multiple windows to be opened with different summarized statistics based on the primary statistics already implemented in analysers. These windows support multiple column stable sorting. All protocol analysers now include improved statistics dialog GUI
- All protocol analysers now include frame length in protocol statistics selection choice for data link layer
- Enhanced error-proof GUI editor for modifying protocol configurations. Earlier this was done by manually editing the *.ini file.
- Protocol INI Editor enhanced to prohibit direct editing of INI files i.e. via notepad invocation, and only through GUI allowed now
- HDLC TX/Rx Test - new feature added for generating random variable frame length with random flags
- CAS Analyser - added support for Audio-R2 protocol
- Automatic detection of uplink & downlink direction in TRAU Analyser
The application now supports for fax over v27, v29, v17 and v34 ITU-T modems. The simulator now supports multipage fax image transmission i.e. up to 1300 pages can be sent per fax call. Detailed Fax call flow can be obtained during the call. The fax simulator now provides statistics details depicting the nature of the call and result on call termination.
The T1 Record Playback application now enhanced to include "T1 Demux" utility. The utility is used to split the T1 file containing the T1 trunk traffic into 24 individual files. Each file has its own time slot traffic that is recorded in “WAV” or “WAV and MP3” format at user-defined bit rates configuration. It's available only for T1 installations.
Changed the Timestamp format [Used in the recorded file name] from Local Time to System Time i.e. GMT time. This was done as per the new requirement from NASA. This Timestamp is used by the new T1 Demux utility.
Maximum supported ports increased for Channelized T1 E1 (on T3/E3) to support up to full bandwidth on 32 T3 E3 ports.
- All MAPS™ TDM applications are now enhanced to work with remote MAPS™ client, which allows users to control MAPS™ application remotely and automate the entire testing process
- Support for Remote License Server - new Licensing method allows applications to be licensed either locally or through remote licensing servers
- MAPS™ FXO/FXS supports CAMA Monitoring Performance Profiling, Script Debug, and Script Coverage
- MAPS™ CLI support - MAPS™ supports Java, VB and Python Clients that can interface with customer test environment easily by providing high level APIs
- All MAPS™ applications can now provide Java, VB, Python and TCL API's to simulate customized call scenarios
In addition to the above, there have been several modifications and bug fixes to the T1 E1 Software. For more details, please refer to the link what's new in the current version 11.1.17 web page.