High-Speed Ethernet/IP Bit Error Rate Testing (BERT)
up to 100G
BER Traffic generation and verification across all layers - Ethernet, VLAN, MPLS, IP and UDP
Sample Test Report
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PacketExpert™ 100G supports wirespeed Bit Error Rate Testing (BERT) up to 100 Gbps over Framed Ethernet (Layer 2), Stacked VLAN (Q-in-Q), Stacked MPLS (Layer 2.5), IPv4/IPv6, and UDP. It can transmit and receive various bit patterns including industry standard PRBS patterns and user-defined patterns. The device can also intentionally introduce bit errors. Wirespeed BERT is supported on two 100 Gbps optical ports.
- BER test can be performed on various link speed such as 1G, 10G, 25G, 40G, 50G, and 100G
- Source and destination PacketExpert™ 100G applications can be in different IP networks, connected through the switches (As shown in the diagram, PacketExpert 100G devices are connected through the switches)
A simple BER test can help validate the routers’ ability to route IP packets correctly at various speeds and the ability of various other routers on the path to forward IP packets without packet drops and in the correct sequence. PacketExpert™ provides layer-wise wirespeed BERT implemented at all layers – Ethernet, VLAN, MPLS, IP and UDP. BERT application allows BER traffic generation and verification, bit error insertion, support for various pattern types, and BERT measurements. It also provides a real-time graphical representation of the bit error count plotted over time.
BERT test setup at Layer 3/4 involves connecting PCs through IP routers and LAN switches, which act as the DUT.
In Layer 3 test setup, the source and the destination PacketExpert™ ports are in different IP networks. These two networks are connected through a router.
A simple example above shows two LANs connected through a router. Layer 4 test setup is similar to the test setup for Layer 3, as UDP is carried over IP. At Layer 4, proper UDP packets are sent (instead of raw IP packets as in the case of Layer 3 testing). This verifies the ability of the IP network to sequentially route UDP packets to the destination. For Layer 4 testing, source and destination UDP ports need to be configured in addition to the MAC and IP addresses.

Loading BERT Application
Wirespeed Ethernet BER Testing
The PacketExpert™ 100G can measure bit error rates over Framed Ethernet (Layer 2), MPLS (Layer 2.5), IP, and UDP layers at specific frame length and traffic rate Users can choose various PRBS patterns such as 29-1, 211-1, 215-1, 220-1, 223-1, 229-1, and 231-1. Additional patterns include All Ones, All Zeroes, Alternating Ones and Zeroes, and user-defined patterns ranging from 1 to 32 bits. By inserting an optional sequence number into each packet, the system can measure out-of-sequence packets and packet loss. The 'Process FCS Error Frames' option allows the reception of FCS frames in BERT as normal BERT frames. The test verdict is determined by a specified threshold value.
Both BERT and Loopback support stacked VLAN and stacked MPLS. BERT can be configured to send/receive streams with stacked VLAN and/or stacked MPLS frames.

Tx Rx BERT Configuration
Flexible Options:
BERT and Loopback functionality can be accessed via various combinations according to testing needs:
- All Port BERT – Both port 1 and port 2 perform BERT (at full wirespeed, simultaneous Tx and Rx), per unit
- One Port BERT/one port Loopback – one port runs BERT while the other port runs loopback, per unit
- All Port Loopback – Both port 1 and port 2 run Loopback, per unit
Users can select the application to load, depending on the testing needs.
Traffic Configuration
PacketExpert™ 100G includes Traffic options, which allow technicians to generate Ethernet to IP frames with user-configurable frame size.
- Constant Rate Type: This option allows users to specify a single fixed frame length in bytes, ranging from 64 to 1518 bytes for normal frame sizes and up to 16000 bytes for jumbo frames.

Traffic Configuration (Constant Rate)
Rate can be configured with various units including % , Kbps, Mbps, Gbps, Bps, KBps, MBps, and GBps.
BERT Summary
PacketExpert™ 100G provides options to view the summary of the test along with BERT graphs showing throughput, bit errors, and sync status.
BERT Results
PacketExpert™ 100G analyzes the received BER pattern and provides various vital measurements such as Bit Error Rate, Bit Error Count, Bit Error Seconds, Sync Loss Count, Sync Loss Seconds, Error Free Seconds, No Rx Data Count/Seconds, and BERT Status.
Error Insertion
PacketExpert™ 100G allows Bit Error Insertion into the outgoing (Tx) traffic.
In Bit Error Insertion, single error and Rate Error Insertion are supported. Single error insertion allows users to manually introduce a single Bit Error. Rate Error Insertion allows users to select a constant error rate, ranging from 10-4 to 10-9, to be introduced into the outgoing stream.
Port-Wise Frame Statistics
Detailed per-port statistics are provided. In addition to statistics like Frame Count, Frame Rate, Link Utilization (Layer 1 line rate in %), Data Rate (Layer 2 data rate in Mbps), etc., statistics are provided based on various categories like Frame Type (Broadcast, Multicast, VLAN), Frame Lengths (64, 65-127, 1024-1518, Oversized, Undersized), and Protocol Type (IPv4, IPv6, UDP, TCP, ICMP, IGRP etc.)
- Statistics for stacked VLAN and stacked MPLS are provided for detailed analysis. Statistics based on the packet count per VLAN/MPLS stack position are also provided

Tx and Rx Frame Statistics
- 'All Ports' result screen for BERT displays consolidated Frame Statistics for Tx Rx, BERT Status, and BERT Statistics results for both ports

All Port BERT Statistics
Generate Report
PacketExpert™ 100G includes report generation option to generate consolidated reports in CSV and PDF file formats. The following sample CSV and PDF reports generated for ‘All Ports BERT' test includes Interface, BERT Statistics, Tx/Rx Statistics, and Tx/Rx Configuration details for 100G ports.

BERT Report Generated in PDF File Format

BERT Report Generated in CSV file format