SS7/Sigtran Analysis and Simulation

SS7 Analysis and Simulation over T1 E1
- Analysis of SS7 through comprehensive analysis products for T1, E1, T3, OC-3, STM-1
- Rack mount and portable products
- Dual, Quad, or Octal PCI Bus Cards for Rack or Tower PC mount
- Portable USB based units
- Analyze and Simulate thousands of channels
- STP or SCP or SSP Emulation
- A, B, E, F link analysis and simulation
- GSM/UMTS MAP interfaces analysis and simulation
- All traffic types (Voice, Digits, Tones, Fax, and Modem)
- Network-wide intrusive and non-intrusive test/monitoring solutions
- Remote access through TCP/IP, centralized collection & database in addition to a variety of probes for SS7 networks
- Web based network surveillance system for TDM Networks
- Access real-time and historic data remotely via browser-based clients.
- Interfaces with Oracle database for storing real-time and historical data.
- Multi-user support
- Web Server Database Engine + Protocol Analyzers on a single system
- Provides protocol signaling summary and call detail records (CDRs)
- Drill-down to calls of interest with filter and/or search options
- Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) – Voice, Signaling, Delay Measurements, Call Duration
- High Capacity Simulation using MAPS™ (SS7) product
- STP or SCP or SSP Emulation
- A, B, E, F link emulation
- All traffic types (Voice, Digits, Tones, Fax, and Modem)
- Simulate thousands of channels
SSP to PSTN Network
- Complete SS7 Analysis - Visit SS7 Analysis page.
- Web based network surveillance system for TDM Networks. Visit Network Surveillance System page.
- SS7 Triggered Call Capture and Analysis - captures a call based on SS7 signaling; the SS7 signaling and the voiceband capture are available for viewing. Visit Call Capture and Analysis.
- Complete Storage and Analysis of every SS7 Call on any number of T1 or E1 lines, includes Voiceband and signaling information. Visit Call Data Records.
- Complete SS7 Emulation - Visit MAPS™ Emulator for SS7 Protocol page.
- Complete SS7 Analysis - Visit SS7 Analyzer page.
- Web based network surveillance system for TDM Networks. Visit Network Surveillance System page.
- SS7 Triggered Call Capture and Analysis - captures a call based on SS7 signaling; the SS7 signaling and the voiceband capture are available for viewing. Visit Call Capture and Analysis.
- Complete Storage and Analysis of every SS7 Call on any number of T1 or E1 lines, includes Voiceband and signaling information. Visit Call Data Records.
- Complete SS7 Emulation - Visit MAPS™ Emulator for SS7 Protocol page.
SSP to EO (End Office) Interface
- Complete SS7 Analysis - Visit SS7 Analyzer page.
- Web based network surveillance system for TDM Networks. Visit Network Surveillance System page.
- SS7 Triggered Call Capture and Analysis - captures a call based on SS7 signaling; the SS7 signaling and the voiceband capture are available for viewing. Visit Call Capture and Analysis.
- Complete Storage and Analysis of every SS7 Call on any number of T1 or E1 lines, includes Voiceband and signaling information. Visit Call Data Records.
- Complete SS7 Emulation - Visit MAPS™ Emulator for SS7 Protocol page.
- T1, E1 analysis - Visit hardware platforms page.
- T3, OC-3, STM-1 analysis - Visit T3, E3, OC3 testing page.
- MAPS™ provides emulation (traffic and signaling) of PSTN interfaces - Visit CO Emulation and All available protocols page.
- Analog interfaces - Visit 2Wire Analog and 4Wire E&M Bulk Call Generator page and VQuad™ with Analog option page.
- Fax and Modem - Visit MAPS™ Central Office Switching Simulator page and fax and modem analysis page.
- Complete CAS Protocol Analysis - Visit Protocol Analysis page.
- Complete ISDN Analysis & Emulation - Visit ISDN Analysis and ISDN Emulation page.
SS7 Analysis and Simulation over IP (SIGTRAN)
Signaling Gateway (SG) and Media Gateway Controller (MGC) Interface
- Analyze the SS7 signaling traffic between a signaling gateway (SG) and a media gateway controller (MGC) – Visit SIGTRAN Analyzer
- Web based network surveillance system for IP Networks. Visit Network Surveillance System page.
- Complete SIGTRAN Emulation - Visit MAPS™ SS7 Sigtran Emulation.
Signaling Gateway (SG) and IP-enabled signaling control point (IP-SCP) Interface
- Analyze the SS7 signaling traffic between a signaling gateway (SG) and IP-enabled signaling control point (IP-SCP) – Visit SIGTRAN Analyzer
- Web based network surveillance system for IP Networks. Visit Network Surveillance System page.
- Complete SIGTRAN Emulation - Visit MAPS™ SIGTRAN Protocol Emulator
GSM / UMTS MAP CAP Interfaces
- B (Interface b/w the MSC and its associated VLR)
- Analyze MAP/B protocol using SS7 Analyzer and SIGTRAN Analyzer
- Emulation of MAP/B protocol using Scripted Emulation in MAPS™ MAP
- C (Interface b/w the HLR and the MSC) – Analyze MAP/C protocol using SS7 Analyzer
- – Analyze MAP/C protocol using SS7 Analyzer and SIGTRAN Analyzer
- – Emulation of MAP/C protocol using Scripted Emulation in MAPS™ MAP
- D (Interface b/w the HLR and the VLR) – Analyze MAP/D protocol using SS7 Analyzer
- – Analyze MAP/D protocol using SS7 Analyzer and SIGTRAN Analyzer
- – Emulation of MAP/D protocol using Scripted Emulation in MAPS™ MAP
- E (Interface b/w MSCs) – Analyze MAP/E protocol using SS7 Analyzer
- – Analyze MAP/E protocol using SS7 Analyzer and SIGTRAN Analyzer
- – Emulation of MAP/E protocol using Scripted Emulation in MAPS™ MAP
- F (Interface b/w MSC and EIR) – Analyze MAP/F protocol using SS7 Analyzer
- – Analyze MAP/F protocol using SS7 Analyzer and SIGTRAN Analyzer
- – Emulation of MAP/F protocol using Scripted Emulation in MAPS™ MAP
- J (Interface b/w the HLR and the gsmSCF) – Analyze MAP/J protocol using SS7 Analyzer
- – Analyze MAP/J protocol using SS7 Analyzer and SIGTRAN Analyzer
- – Emulation of MAP/J protocol using Scripted Emulation in MAPS™ MAP
- CAP CAMEL the IN control protocol, is used between the gsmSSF and the gsmSCF.
- - Emulation of CAP protocol using MAPS™ CAP Protocol Emulator
Network Surveillance and Monitoring Products for SS7 Networks
- Console based Decode Agent for SS7 to build your own Network Surveillance and Monitoring of SS7 Networks. Visit SS7 and ISDN Console Based Decode Agent Clients.
- Complete Network Surveillance System for SS7 Networks, to monitor signaling, collect CDRs through WEB Server and web based client for SS7 Network Surveillance Visit Network Surveillance System.
- Automatic detection of SS7 Protocols - Visit TDM Protocol Identifier.
Analysis and Simulation Solution for Ensuring SS7 Network Security
The mobile communication infrastructures have evolved from traditional circuit-based networks into broadband and IP-based networks. In this process SIGTRAN was proposed for carrying SS7 PSTN signaling over IP. The vulnerabilities in SS7 signaling protocol inherited to SIGTRAN allowing intruders to easily intercept mobile networks. Although large scale attacks are not common, still they may significantly impact individual subscribers with financial loss, confidential data leaks, and/or disruption of communication services (voice and sms). As per “SS7 and SIGTRAN Network Security” high-level recommendations, there is a serious need for a complete SS7 traffic monitoring and analysis system to check if there are real SS7 attacks. And a solution to simulate SS7 illegitimate messages in order to create filters at various check-points in the network and block such messages.
- Complete Network Surveillance System for SS7 Networks, to monitor signaling, collect CDRs through WEB Server and web based client for SS7 Network Surveillance Visit Network Surveillance System.
- SS7 Simulation over IP (SIGTRAN) - Visit MAPS™ SIGTRAN (SS7 over IP) Protocol Emulator page
- CAP CAMEL the IN control protocol, is used between the gsmSSF and the gsmSCF. Visit MAPS™ CAP Protocol Emulator page
- Emulation of MAP (C, D, E, F, H, Gc, Gd, Gf, Gr) protocol using MAPS™ MAP Protocol Emulator
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SS7 Test Platforms - Brochure |