Specifications Development for Integration and Interface Management

Basic intergration and interface management IIM principles
Client: Maryland Transit Administration, Baltimore (MTA)
Generally, new systems or services require external interfaces with other systems or services. This is especially true within the MTA environment, where system components rarely operate autonomously. Integrating these system components into larger functioning systems becomes challenging and costly. IIM is a process that includes planning, defining, controlling and communicating the information needed to ensure proper interoperability between systems and services. Contractors and system integrators are required to formally follow the IIM process and these requirements should be properly defined and documented within MTA bid proposals.
Project Services and Objectives:
GL developed a set of standard specifications to be used by contractors to follow the IIM process. GL developed the required documentation to be inserted as a standard “boiler plate” section for future MTA Request for Proposals.
GL’s work scope included:
- Develop a comprehensive integration and coordination program for MTA projects that meets MTA Project and Construction Management Guidelines
- Develop technical specification documents for MTA to ensure that new procurements include an IIM process that is appropriate for simple projects as well as more complex projects
- Provide training for MTA personnel in the IIM process and its application