GL announces VoIP Air Traffic Management (ATM) Test Solutions
(A comprehensive test bed for evaluation of functional and performance requirements)
Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA - Oct 19, 2021 - GL Communications Inc., a global leader in telecom test and measurement solutions, addressed the press regarding their Air Traffic Management (ATM) test solutions that facilitate the transition of technology and services from traditional analog/TDM to IP-based Voice Communications Systems.
“Traditional ATM is migrating from analog/TDM to IP-based voice communications and control. The migration transitions to an improved, optimized, and integrated communications test beds. Automated functional and performance testing are valuable and help accelerate the deployment of next generation ATM equipment and services”, said Vijay Kulkarni, CEO of GL Communications.
“GL offers standardized, portable, and high throughput/high density solutions for testing next generation ATM networks. This includes ability to simulate all entities, from Radio interfaces to the Controller Working Positions (CWPs), and measure network response times, delays, and load conditions”.
He further added, “the migration to Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) poses challenges, which requires a customized test solution. The ATM core network and all its underlying entities (CWP/VCS, GRS, Radio Gateways and Recorders) can be accurately tested for timing, performance, and functionalities. The GL test tools for next generation ATM offer signaling and traffic simulation per the ED-137 standards, monitoring quality of service per ED-138, and provide critical network delay and voice quality measurements”.
“Our ED-137 and ED-138 Voice over IP Test Tools have been widely welcomed by Global Air Navigation Service Providers and VCS/Radio/Gateway/Recorder companies alike, who have found them to be essential tools during development phase, functionality testing, performance testing, Factory Acceptance Test phases, deployment phase, and 'in-the-field' testing”.
“Measuring the delay in hybrid ATM network is critical and needed to precisely measure the delay introduced by each network element as events propagate end-to-end. Recognizing, capturing, timestamping, and correlating events at analog, TDM and IP interfaces are necessary. Delay measurements should be conducted repeatedly to ensure that the device and network under test is performing as expected consistently over time”.
“To counter this issue GL has developed TM-ATM (Timing Measurements in Air Traffic Management) test suite to accurately simulate end points in ATM network and provide critical timing measurements for various types of delay occurrences in signaling and voice transmission through the network. It includes all necessary hardware and software to identify, capture, timestamp, and correlate events at Analog, TDM and IP interfaces”.