GL Announces SIP Conformance Test Suite
Welcome to another July 2017 issue of GL Communications' Newsletter providing information and insight into our MAPS™ SIP Conformance Test Suite that helps to test the conformance of various SIP entities in the network (Proxy, Redirect Server, Registrar, UAC, and UAS) per ETSI standards.

GL's MAPS™ SIP Conformance Test Suite is designed with 400+ test cases, as per SIP specifications ETSI TS 102 027-2 V3.1.1 (2004-11). It includes inbuilt conformance scripts (*.gls) for Proxy conformance, Redirect Server conformance, Registrar conformance, UAC conformance, and UAS conformance to test the Proxy, Redirect Server, Registrar, UAC, and UAS as per ETSI standard.
Test cases include general messaging and call flow scenarios for multimedia call session setup and control over IP networks. Logging and pass/fail results are also reported. Test cases verify conformance of actions such as registration, call control, proxies and redirect servers.
- Conformance Test Specification for SIP (IETF RFC 3261)
- UA behaving as client or server –
- User Agent Client (UAC) - User Agent initiating requests
- User Agent Server (UAS) - User Agent responding to requests
- Redirect Server - User Agent Server redirecting requests
- Proxy - making requests on behalf of other clients
- Registrar - accepts REGISTER requests
- Registrant - sends the REGISTER messages
The application is also available as MAPS™ SIP (PKS120), which supports simulation of SIP signaling with various RTP traffic options and can be used to simulate any interface in a SIP network.
GL’s MAPS™ SIP is also available in High Density version (requires a special purpose network appliance and PKS109 RTP HD licenses). This is capable of high call intensity (hundreds of calls/sec) and high volume of sustained calls (tens of thousands of simultaneous calls/platform).
Registration Conformance Testing
- As seen in the configuration scenario below, MAPS™ SIP Conformance can be configured as Registrant generating SIP REGISTRATION request messages, and automating the entire Registrar (DUT) testing. Similarly, MAPS™ SIP Conformance can also be configured as Registrar server to receive registration request messages from Registrant (DUT), automating Registrant conformance testing.
Sequences Tested
- Test Purposes for Registration
- Registrant Endpoint Test Cases
- Registrar Endpoint Test Cases
The following diagram depicts the typical end-to-end call flow between the entities during the Handover procedure:
MAPS™ acting as Registrant to test Registrar
The below screenshot depicts, MAPS™ SIP Conformance loaded with Registrant_SIP_RG_RR_V_001.glsconformance script, which ensures that the DUT on receipt of a REGISTER and without user name in the Request-URI, sends a Success (200 OK) response, containing all current bindings listed in the Contact header, with the expiry parameter for each Contact value.
MAPS™ acting as Registrar to test Registrant
The below screenshot depicts, MAPS™ SIP Conformance loaded with Registrar_SIP_RG_RT_V_001.gls conformance script, which ensures that REGISTER request message is received from the DUT. DUT in order to be registered sends a REGISTER request to its Registrar, without user name in the Request-URI and with a SIP-URI as request-URI.
User Agents Conformance Testing
In the following configuration test scenario, MAPS™ SIP Conformance can be configured as User Agent Client (UAC) generating SIP request messages, and automating the entire User Agent Server-UAS (DUT) testing. Similarly, MAPS™ SIP Conformance can also be configured as User Agent Server (UAS) to receive messages from User Agent Client-UAC (DUT), automating UAC conformance testing.
Sequences Tested
- Test Purposes for Call Control (UAC)
- Call Establishment from Originating Endpoints
- Call Release from Originating Endpoints
- Session Modification from Originating Endpoints
- Test Purposes for Call Control (UAS)
- Call Establishment from Terminating Endpoints
- Call Release from Terminating Endpoints
- Session Modification from Terminating Endpoints
MAPS™ acting as UAC (Client) to test UAS (Server)
The below screenshot depicts, MAPS™ SIP Conformance loaded withUAC_SIP_CC_TE_CE_V_001.gls, UAS conformance script, which ensures that on receipt of an INVITE request sends a Success (200 OK) response or provisional response (100 trying and 180 Ringing).
MAPS™ acting as UAS (Server) to test UAC (Client)
The below screenshot depicts, MAPS™ SIP Conformance loaded with UAS_SIP_CC_OE_CE_V_001.gls, UAC conformance script, which ensures that INVITE request message is received from the DUT. All the requests received from UAS (DUT) are replied back with the reply message by MAPS™ UAS.
Proxy Conformance Testing
With the set of Proxy Conformance inbuilt scripts, MAPS™ can be configured to act as UAC and UAS simultaneously so that entire Proxy testing can be automated.
Sequence Tested -
- Test Purposes for Proxy
- Message Processing > Request Test Cases
- Message Processing > Response Test Cases
- Transaction > Client Test Cases
- Transaction > Server Test Cases

MAPS™ SIP Conformance acting as UAS and UAC
The below screenshot depicts, MAPS™ SIP Conformance loaded with PROXY_SIP_CC_PR_MP_RQ_V_002.gls conformance script, which ensures that the IUT on receipt of INVITE request including a Max-Forward header set to 0, sends “Too many hops (483 Too many hops)” request failure response.

Proxy Conformance Script
Redirect Server Conformance Testing
With the set of Redirect Server Conformance inbuilt scripts, MAPS™ can be configured to act as UAC and sends messages to test Redirect Server (DUT), automating the entire Redirect Server testing.
Sequence Tested -
- Test Purposes for Redirect Servers
- Call Establishment Test Cases
- Call Release Test Cases

MAPS™ SIP UAC to test Redirect Server
The below screenshot depicts MAPS™ SIP loaded with UAC_SIP_CC_RD_CE_V_001.gls, Redirect Conformance script, which ensures that the IUT on receipt of an INVITE request, sends a 3XX redirection response to the caller including a Contact header set to the registered location of the callee and the To header set to the received value with an additional TAG.

Redirect Conformance Script
Some of the Important Features
- Generates and processes SIP valid and invalid messages
- Supports complete customization of SIP headers, call flow, and messages
- Each SIP message template facilitates customization of the protocol fields and access to the various protocol fields from the scripts
- Supports IPv4 /IPv6 and transport over UDP ,TCP, and TLS for secure transport
- Handles Retransmissions of messages with specific interval
- Scripted call generation and call reception
- Supports conference (third-party added), attended call transfer, and call forwarding
- Supports transmission and detection of various RTP traffic such as Digits, Voice file, Single tone, Dual tones, IVR, FAX, and Video in IP networks
- Supports almost all industry standard codec types - G.711 (mu-Law and A-Law), G.722, G.729, G.726, GSM, AMR, EVRC, SMV, iLBC, SPEEX, EVS, OPUS, and more. *AMR and EVRC variants require additional licenses
- Supports both RTP G.711 Pass Through Fax Simulation (PKS200) and T.38 Fax Simulation over UDPTL (PKS211) simulation over IP
- Test IVR, and Instant messaging features
- Transmit and receive pre-recorded video traces supporting video codecs like H.264, H.263, and VP8
- With normal RTP Maximum Simultaneous Calls - 2500, and Calls per Second - 250 (in highend server machines). Without RTP (only signaling) Maximum Simultaneous Calls - 70,000, and Calls per Second - 750 (in highend server machines)
- With MAPS™ HD RTP network appliance up to 20,000 endpoints per unit can be easily achieved (requires PKS109 and specialized hardware)
- Capability to generate more than 500 simultaneous video calls on Core i7 systems
- Enhanced with 64-bit RTP support
- Support for T.38 Fax Simulation
- Support for Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secured RTP (SRTP)
- Supports remote controlling through multiple command-line based clients. Supported clients include Java, VBScripts, TCL, and Python APIs
- Remote MAPS™, a client server module, where a single Remote Client controls multiple MAPS™ systems