Newsletter: Enhancements / Additions / Fixes to GL's Ver 4.65n Software
Welcome to the January Issue of GL Communication's Newsletter providing information and insight into the latest product introductions and reviews, and updates.
GL introduces new applications and enhancements for its T1/E1 Analyzers. These updates can be downloaded from our WEB Site at the link
New Applications Introduced:
- Digital Echo Canceller - A complete digital echo canceller has now been built into GL's T1 and E1 Analyzers. It can be used to monitor, non-intrusively, in real-time, network echo characteristics, or it can be used to intrusively measure echo characteristics. The canceller is fully compliant to G.168 and G.165. This software can also be used in an offline mode with captured files from the field.
Additional features include: - Graphical impulse response
- Multi-channel operation
- Continuous reporting of echo path delay, erl, dispersion, and speech power levels
- Continuous event logging
- A New Client for the Windows Client Server (Scripted Control) Software - This GUI based client provides many of the functionalities of the standard T1/E1 GUI but from a remote location interacting with the Windows Client Server. Current applications include Power Monitor, FDL, MFC-R2 Analysis, and others.
- Non-Intrusive Audio Monitoring - An easy to use full duplex monitoring application. Now, it's real easy to listen to live audio on T1 and E1 lines.
- Display Binary Byte Values - In addition to displaying HEX values for all timeslots, binary values are also now displayed.
Enhancements to Current Applications:
- Network Surveillance System - Provides physical non-intrusive connectivity to multiple T1s, E1s, and Ethernet traffic links simultaneously. The collected data can be locally displayed or routed from multiple probe points to a Centralized Server.
- GL has updated its 'Transmit DTMF/MF/MFC-R2' application by adding the capability of transmitting and receiving user-defined signaling bits (all 16 possible combinations can be used for transmitting / receiving signaling bits).
- 'Multiple Call Capture' application can also handle ISDN triggered capture with no calling number value. The naming convention has been improved to be compatible with the R2 Analyzer as well.
- Added the capability to 'SYNC' the transmit and receive file operations used in Record and Playback application, TxRx utility application, Tx/Rx Loop back. This feature is particularly useful for Voice Quality Analysis to capture and compare same size files as the 2-second delay in capture has been eliminated. Additionally, in Record and Playback application, settings are now remembered, timeslots are now selected by drop-down controls, thus making the Record and Playback application more user-friendly.
- Changes to the TxRx Utility (DOS based) application are - Synchronization commands have been included such that precision timing control of file operations is now possible. Sample control file with the new commands have been added. Some sample files are added to the run VQT application automatically
- Protocol Analyzers have updates to statistics, called number for Call trace, allowing analysis of overlapped dialing, TCP/IP feature. Some new features to the Protocol analyzers are - Four types of time displays are supported for both 'Real-time' and 'Offline' analysis. Color-coding has been implemented. Hence, the summary view is shown in different colors in order to highlight important information. The user can filter out the desired frames based on color-coding.
- Online Help is more versatile, providing information to many more applications
- Added support for Adobe Audition 1.0 in "View Pcm ", in addition to Cool Edit software.
Please review the above and give us a call if you are interested in GL's products/software for these or other applications. We would be happy to consult with you on solutions to your testing needs and we look forward to hearing from you.