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GL Enhances T1 E1 Analyzer Products & Software

Welcome to the June, 2011 issue of GL's Newsletter covering latest enhancements introduced to our versatile T1 E1 Analyzer product line. The T1 E1 software has been enhanced, now Version 6.07.


Enhancements Introduced to the Applications:

  • GSM Analyzer
    • Updated BSSMAP decode to release version 10
    • Group Call Control (GCC) protocol (Specification - 3GPP TS 44.068 V9.0.0) is implemented to support VGCS (Voice Group Call Service) feature for GSM-R (Global System for Mobile Communications - Railway).
    • Broadcast Call Control (BCC) protocol (Specification - 3GPP TS 44.069 V9.0.0) is implemented to support VBS (Voice Broadcast Service) feature for GSM-R (Global System for Mobile Communications - Railway).
  • WCS version 3.30
  • New DSP operators (new language files, GLServer.dfa and GLServer.llr are included) and the following Server Commands have been added to GL Server.

    • Tx2 - Two-byte hyper channel transmit operator
    • Rx2 - Two-byte hyper channel receive operator
    • Infile2 - 16-bit linear data file read operator
    • Outfile2 - 16-bit linear data file writer
    • Swab- swaps the low-order and high-order bytes of the 16-bit data words supplied by the source DSP operator
    • set vf encoding enc-opt bd-spec - allows clients to set the codec to be used for the VF I/O channels

    New methods have been added to the GL Client Development Toolkit that allows client applications to monitor TCP/IP Channel Utilization.

  • ClientDataTxRx
  • ClientDataTxRx cycle time is now controlled by the "response time" parameter. This parameter can be supplied as a clause of the "run task" command. If it is not supplied with this command, the default response time is used. This is set to 500 ms, or can be established by the user using the "set response time" command.

  • SS1 Analyzer and SS1 Dialer
    • Includes the capability of reading an initialization file at launch time, which allows them to operate in conjunction with Simplified Audio Client (SAC) and its modules
  • CCA and CDR
    • Add Mid Call Digits in Summary Report column and Detail Report in the Call Summary section. Display release code in the summary and detail report

In addition to the above, there have been many minor modifications and bug fixes to the T1 E1 Software. For more details, please refer to the link what's new in the current version web page.

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