
Telecom Test Solutions

MAPS™ Frequently Asked Questions

What is MAPS?
GL's Message Automation & Protocol Simulation (MAPS™) is a protocol simulation and conformance test tool that supports a variety of protocols such as SIP, MEGACO, MGCP, SS7, ISDN, GSM, MAP, CAS, LTE, UMTS, SS7 SIGTRAN, ISDN SIGTRAN, SIP I, GSM AoIP, Diameter and others. This message automation tool covers solutions for both protocol simulation and protocol analysis. The application includes various test plans and test cases to support the testing of real-time entities. Along with automation capability, the application gives users the unlimited ability to edit messages and control scenarios (message sequences). "Message sequences" are generated through scripts.

For Details visit : signaling-and-traffic-simulator.html

What platforms does MAPS™ run on and what kind of hardware do I need?
  • PC Requirements –Windows® 7 / 8.1 (32 bit or 64 bit)
  • Minimum CPU Requirements – Core i3 or Higher with 4 GB RAM, USB 2.0 Ports
  • MAPS™ software is licensed EITHER using a hardware dongle or through hardware
  • MAPS™ is supported over TDM and OPTICAL platforms which make use of GL'sT1 E1 analyzers or LightSpeed1000™ products
What protocols are currently Supported?
The protocols supported in this architecture are listed in the table below. For Details visit : signaling-and-traffic-simulator.html

TDM,2G IP (Packet) 3G, 4G

What is the difference between 32-bit and 64-bit versions of MAPS™ Application?
Basically both 32-bit and 64-bit Implementations of MAPS™ work exactly similar. MAPS™ 64-bit compilations have significant performance advantages over 32-bit, if only signaling is considered (without traffic) by making use of Large amount of RAM (Random Access Memory) available on the 64-bit machine. Currently only IP based MAPS™ have 64-bit versions.

Can I run 32-bit MAPS™ on a 64-bit computer?
MAPS™ 32-bit versions will work on 64-bit machines. But is is adviced to use 64-bit versions when high performance is desired.

Can I run 64-bit MAPS™ on a 32-bit computer?
MAPS™ 64-bit application is designed for the 64-bit version of Windows® will not work on the 32-bit version.

MAPS™ is not invoking, throwing load MAPS™ dll error. How to resolve?
This error occurs when installation is not proper or certain steps in installation are skipped. Please install the software again with run as administrator and do not cancel winpcap installation which is essential for MAPS™ application.

I am getting Error “Security Error: Application is not licensed”, what should I do?
If you see this error when you run MAPS™ application it indicates a problem with either   your dongle or license file.

  • First verify that the dongle is plugged in and the red light is on
  • Navigate to C:\Program Files\GL Communications Inc\GLDONGLE
  • Run haspinfohl.exe. Verify that Status is OK and make a note of the Serial #
  • Run appl_list.exe. Verify that there is a line in the table reading PKSXXX MAPS™ Application with the serial number you noted above

If the dongle does not appear in haspinfohl.exe, verify that it appears as a USB device in the Windows Device Manager. If it does not appear even in the device manager,   remove the dongle and plug it into a different USB port, preferably one directly on the motherboard.

I am getting 3566 : please verify IP/Port not in use Unable Create Sctp Socket Error. What could be wrong?
Check if you are using an invalid ip ddress or port number which is either invalid or in use by any other application. Try to change the IP address and Port number which should resolve the issue.

Error: “Unable to create GLIpHandler:Invalid Arguments”

If you see this error when you start the testbed from MAPS™ application, it indicates that the Network Adaptor is not configured correctly.

From Help menu -> run Display Adaptor Info and obtain the Adapter Index for the IP address in use, which has to be appropriately configured in the Testbed.

Error: Unable to Connect to WCS. Start GL Server.

This error is related to MAPS™ Applications which simulate traffic with GL's WCS servers such as TDM traffic, and mobile IP Core.

If you see this error follow the steps below -

  • Verify if the MobileIpCore basic server is installed on the PC and also verify if the ETH101 licenses are installed
  • In T1 E1 check if the server is invoked and started
SCTP Connection is NOT established. How to Resolve?
SCTP Connection problem may be related to various reasons.
  • Run the MAPS™ application as ADMINISTRATOR
  • Turn OFF Windows Firewall
  • Check if the SCTP Mode is proper / whether Device under test is acting as Server /Client. Configure the MAPS™ application accordingly
  • Check if the proper IP addresses and Port numbers are configured
  • Check if the  Adapter index is configured properly by verifying the adapter information under help
  • Check for ICMP Packets with Protocol Unreachable Information in WireShark®/PacketScan™ applications. If so, assign a free IP address to MAPS™ application instead of system IP Address

If the problem still persists please contact GL for support at

MAPS™ is NOT responding to any incoming messages
Check the Link Status of the SCTP/TCP Link. If the link status is not UP, stop the Testbed, verify the parameters configured in the Testbed and restart the testbed.

Open Events from Reports menu and check if any of the following Errors are logged in the Captured Errors tab.

  • No Valid Script Assigned for "MESSAGE TYPE"
  • Check the Incoming Handler Configuration whether any script is configured for the Message type, If not set the appropriate script against the required message type

Parsing Error or Script not accessible error: If this error is logged in Captured Errors tab, check if the configured script is present in \Scripts folder in the installation directory. If the script is present, check if the script has any parsing errors with the help of Script Editor.

Decode Error: If Decode Error is observed in Captured Errors tab, it indicates that the message received is not understood by MAPS™.

Stop MAPS™ application. Create ‘Debug’ folder in \MAPS™ working folder where you can find Scripts and Message Folder. Invoke the MAPS™ application and start the Testbed. Check if any log is created under debug folder when Decode Error is received. Send the ErrorLog to GL technical support person.

If you do not know your technical support contact, please reach us at

Can MAPS™ be executed remotely?
Yes. MAPS™ recently introduced a client/server option. This option will allow a client (located on Windows® 7/8) to control a single MAPS™ or many MAPS™ applications over a LAN, WAN, or Internet. The client will incorporate a DLL  that can be used for development of a user GUI.

Can MAPS™ impair or corrupt outgoing messages?
We can corrupt any outgoing message by applying impairments. Impairment implementation is based on low level bit manipulation. User can specify the offset from the beginning of the frame & do various bit level operation to achieve impairment. At this level we are just playing with Hex Values & cannot give protocol field names

Impairments are applied with the send function only – crc is still correct. Impairments are applied on Message portion which MAPS™ simulates. For example in ISUP-Sigtran only M3UA and ISUP layers are simulated using MAPS, and the message over these layers can be impaired. MAC/IP/SCTP layers are emulated using real protocol stacks so you cannot impair these layer contents. Same is applicable to MTP & HDLC (CRC) which cannot be impaired.

Calculating the offset then the XOR pattern is a bit tedious –can it be made simpler? Message Editor displays the exact offset which can be used directly similar to protocol analyzer.

What if my question isn’t answered here?
We encourage your questions, comments, and feedback. Please reach us at to send us an email with your questions.

Description of Various Errors in Captured Errors

Failed to Initiate Call: Parsing for the Script <ScriptName>: <Error>
This error is displayed in captured errors when there is a syntax error in script run. This error also displays the Line number and error Type

 Message Template Does not Exist
This error is displayed when send instuction attempts to send a non existant message template.

Send Message Failed
This error is logged when MAPS™ tries to send a message without Transport established.

Error: Another Script is active for the same callId
Theis error is logged when Call is attempted using same call parameters

Decode Failed : No Message Received
When decode instruction is used without any recv message , this error is logged.

There is no Infinite Wait Executed for Resume to Jump
In scripts there should be an infinite wait command to be executed before using   Resume instruction, where resume will transfer the script control to previous executed wait command. If no wait is executed before the Resume instruction, the script exits   with this error.

Error: Disc is full- Free the Disk Space, Unable to Log Message Sequences
This error is logged when MAPS™ is unable to display message sequence
There are two resons for this error

  • MAPS™ is not having Administrator previleges which is blocking MAPS™ from creating Message log files which are necessary to show Message Sequence in MAPS™
  • There is no physical space available in the Harddrive which MAPS™ is currently Located
Error:Call Purged,Unable to display Message Sequence
This indicates Message sequence is purged for the selected call. In Call Reception there   is a limitation of dipalying 500 calls at a time, when the calls are getting accumulated the calls will be purged and call reception window will have the latest 500 calls at any point of time. When a call is active from very long time and most of the calls later that   call are purged there is a possibility that the details of the selected call are purged. In that case if MAPS™ unable to display the details theis error will be logged.
Error: Missing Impairment file
Send instruction is attemping to use a non existant impairment file.

If Decode Error is observed in Captured Errors tab, it indicates that the message received is not understood by MAPS™. Stop MAPS™ application. Create ‘Debug’ folder in   \MAPS working folder where you can find Scripts and Message Folder. Invoke the MAPS™ application and start the Testbed. Check if any log is created under debug folder when Decode Error is received. Send the ErrorLog to GL’s technical   support person.

If you do not know your technical support contact, please reach us at

No Valid Script Assigned for Received Message : <Message Type>
MAPS™ is received  a message which is not associated to any of the running calls and there is no script configured for the message to handle it.

Importing Variables to Message Template Failed
This indicates that certain variables are unable to import in the send instruction rfor the   selected message. This can occur when wrong Template is selected with Import   variables of a different message.

Variable <Variable Names> not present for sendmsg parameter <Absolute Names>while sending <Message Type>message
This error indiacates the variable name along with the absolute path which is not present in the message type. Which is a resultant of the message template is invalid or   does not have the specified information element used in the import parameter.

Getting Variable <Variable Names>value Failed from script for Importing to Message Template
This error displays a list of parameters which do not have any vale assigned while sending a message.

Error: Bind Instruction is called with Un-Initialized Variable
This error is logged wheevr BIND instruction is used for a variable which is not   initialized.

Label <LabelName> Not Found for goto instruction :Line Number = <Line #>
When there is no Label defined for a label used in GOTO Instaruction above error is displayed.

Getting Variable <variable Name>failed for goto instruction :Line Number <line #>
When there is no value initialized for a variable used in goto instruction.

Return Instruction Has improper return point : Line Number = <Line #>
This error is popped when return insrtuction does not have any return point. Normally occurs when a section is called using UserEvents, where return point is undefined. In this case script handling should be corrected.

Getting Variables <Variable Names> failed for Assignment instruction :Line Number = <line #>
This error is displayed when the variables in an assignment instaruction having null   values.

Getting Rhs Variable %s failed for Assignment instruction :Line Number = %d
This error is displayed when the variables in Right hand side in  an assignment instaruction having null values.

Disconnected From Server
This error is logged when MAPS™ application disconnects for GL WCS Server in T1 E1 applications.

Encode Error: Invalid Message Template <MessageTemplateName>
Decode Error: Invalid Message Template <MessageTemplateName>
These errors are expectd when the mesage template selected is invalid.

Missing <var1> In Log String.
This error is displayed when there is mismatch in the Log string and variables.
Timer Already Running for the TimerName = <Timer Name>
When Timer is started when  a previous instance of the same timer is still running this   error is logged.

Raw WCS Command : Variable %s value not available
This error is logged when any of the variable is not initialized with a value in any   rawcommand.

Task Failed
This error is logged whenever a TDM task is failed because of any reason say Timeslot   unavailability or parameter unavailability.

Socket to Protocol Std Mapping Failed : Uinique Str : <CallId>
This error is logged in Multiinterface environment when MAPS™ unable to asociate any   incoming message to any of the MAPS™ applications started with that instance because of the wrong Connection Id or Protocol String mismatch in MAPS™ Init script.

Failed to add UDP transport for %s: please verify IP/Port not in use
This error is logged when any MAPS™ application using UDP Port is started with an IP / Port in use or an invalid IP address.

Unable to open log file <File Name>
This error is logged when MAPS™ is unable to open any log file because of the   unavilability of the file/ having no permissions to access the logfile.

StreamId & ConnectionId not Found
When any message is sent with non existant Stream and Connection Ids this error will be logged.

Message Decode Failed : <Message Name>
This error is logged for the following
  -> Decode error for the message in Ladder diagram
  -> In recv instrtuction, if MAPS™ failed to decode from the message
No Connections Available
This is error is logged when transport itself is not created and trying to send the message.

RTP Traffic Related Error Codes

Missing Media Source Ip Address
- Media IP Address is unavailable.

 Missing Media Source Port Number
Media Port is unvailable for creating RTP session.

 Rtp Session Not Created
RTP Session creation Failed. Which may cause due to parameters unavailability or RTP   Core is not connect.

Cannot Execute Rtp Commands
RTP Core is not licensed. Check if the dongle is plugged in and RTP license is installed.

Missing Media Peer Ip Address
Peer Media IP Address is unvailable to start RTP session.

Missing Media Peer Port Number
Peer Media Port  is unvailable to start RTP session.

Missing Media Packetization Time
Packetization time is unavailable to start RTP session.

Codec not supported
The Codec used is not supported by MAPS.

Codec is missing
Codec parameter is unavailable to start RTP session.

Payload is missing
Payload type is unavailable to start RTP session.

Rtp Session Not Started
-RTP session failed to start because of any above errors.
Rtp Action:: LoopBack Is Enable .Cannot Perform Send Action
This error is displayed when any other transmit option is attempted with loopback enabled.

Rtp Action:: Tx File <FileName> missing in Folder
This error is displayed when Transmit action unable to find the file specified.

SIP Related Error Codes

HeaderName <HeadreName> Not Present
Import/Export files contins a header which is not present in a message sent or Received at that time this error is logged.

MGCP Header Parsing Failed for the header <HeaderName> at the <position>
Header in received MGCP message is failed to parse by MAPS™ or message is incorrect.

 Unable to Import the Header <Header Name>from the Message
Import/Export files contins a header which is not present in a message sent or Received at that time this error is logged.

UserName,Password,Nonce not Provided in Profile for Authentication
Whenever the Registration procedure could not find the  UserName,Password,Nonce  values in the profile/ if the profile itself is not selected then this error is logged.

Could not calculate Authorisation credentials
This error is logged when there is failure in calculating the authorisation credentials.

Could not prepare Authorisation header
This error is logged when there is failure in calculating the authorisation credentials.

Response Code didn't match for the message = <Message Name>
if the response code in the received message type and decode instruction is mismatch then this error is logged.

SIP Header Parsing Failed for the header <Header name> at the <position>
Header in received SIP message is failed to parse by MAPS™ or message is incorrect.

Unable to Retrieve the Header <HeaderName>from the Message
This error is logged when an Export parameter is defined for a header which is not present in the received message.
Adding IP <IPAddress> Failed
In spoofing, if MAPS™ failed to add the IP Address to the adapter since that IP Address is already in use.

Unable Export SDP Parameter
This error is specific to MAPS™ BICC IP which is logged when MAPS™ Fails to Export SDP parameters from a received application Transport message.

Database Related Errors

Send Report Error: Reporting Varibles undefined
Any variable present in Send Report instruction is not initialized this error is displayed.

Send Error, Not able Send Records
If MAPS™ is unable to send record this error is logged.

Execute Query Command : Variable value not available
In Execute query instruction if any variable is not assigned with any value this error will be logged.

Error while connecting to Database
This error logs when MAPS™ failed to connect to Database.

Send Error, Not able Send KeepAlive
When failed to send Keepalive message this error is logged.

Disconnected from Database, Not able Send Records
This error is logged when MAPS™ disconencts from database.